I Have Quietly Watched this Unfold … and now must speak! Part 1

I Have Quietly Watched this Unfold … and now must speak! Part 1

While COVID-19 has unfolded I have mostly, quietly watched.  I have listened to all sides, and I have looked back on history.  The Fourth Turning has a climax.  This is the beginning of it.  We will have economic and social impact from this single event that will impact our lives, our economy and our freedom worldwide.

This blog has sat silent for years, because I walked away from the negativity of politics and totally changed my profession. I became involved in the manufacturing of food.  My company was one of the first affected when the biggest expos, Natural Foods Expo West,

was shut down in Aneheim on March 3, voluntarily and not by government madate.  With tens of thousands of dollars put into this event by our company and having it cancel the day we arrived from Utah, needless to say, it was quite a disappointment.  So we did what most Americans would do …. we went to Disneyland.

We were not afraid, and felt good about spending time with our family since our plans had changed and we already had hotels booked and paid for.

We came home and got busy revising our outreach program for our company so we could still have growth in 2020.  And then things just kept getting worse.

I am an eternal optimist.  I try and find a silver lining in everthing.  I watched this video, and I kept trying to decide “is it good or is it bad” that the event was cancelled?  Financially it didn’t seem like it, but I’m trying to see a bigger picture.

I didn’t freak out. I didn’t go to Costco and buy 5 cases of toilet paper. I didn’t even go to the grocery store for 2 weeks. We had enough and everyone was starting to freak out. I thought, “This should pass, and people will come back to their senses.” I was wrong. I was sad. Instead of being a people that govern themselves, I watched people hoarding, and panicking, and becoming totally selfish. Then what happens? Governments step in, and freedom detriorates quickly.

I found myself having a minor panic attack one day, changing a roll of toilet paper, and decided to head to the stores, while my husband purchased a bidet seat. (Benefits of being married to a plumber)

What I found was shocking. This isn’t new to anyone by now, but wanted to share for context.

Following this, Utah and then Idaho experienced earthquakes.

So where do we go from here? What can we expect, and how do we stay positive and move forward, creating, like we’ve been sharing for decades, to create a NEW FOUNDING. And what does that look like? Who are the leaders? Do we capitulate to the government oversears, or be responsible citizens that can govern ourselves?

I’m not here to say you should or shouldn’t social distance, I’m not here to say I am buying into the media hype, (even though I am not.) I’m here to offer some perspective based on history about where we are in the cycle known as The Kondratiev Wave, specifically The Fourth Turning. This is real, and the consequences are real. But fear is the biggest enemy of all. Fear drives markets, governments, and people into panic buying, and panic restrictions. Do not be afraid. Get self sufficient. Pray for those who are alone or away from their families, or who really are at risk.

For those of you new to this blog, I invite you to back up and read all about the blog posts relating to The Fourth Turning. I will be announcing an online event as well, so we can review The Fourth Turning together in the comfort of our homes while social distancing continues. And here is another blog post to read taking a closer look at the Fourth Turning.

Since these original posts were written decades ago, the timeline looks a bit different since most scholars believe 2008 was the catalyst, and not 2001. So add 7 years to every other part of the cycle, and it puts the Climax at 2020 without a hitch.

This is the beginning of the CLIMAX of the Fourth Turning. If you aren’t prepared mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically, it may be a bit harder but not impossible to be ready. Don’t panic. Just get prepared for the days, weeks, months and years of the coming CLIMAX. They generally last between 5-7 years historically.

I invite all who are looking for a message of peace in these troubled times to tune in to a public broadcast beginning tomorrow and running through Sunday of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints General Conference.

Stay Tuned!!! I will be doing an online event shortly. Mark this blog and sign up for the newsletter. This will be an online 2 hour class looking at the Fourth Turning in depth.

Pennies — by guest writer, Jamisyn Smith

The following story was written by a 15-year-old.  Our children are watching.



by Jamisyn Smith

How do you get a penny across the room without anyone noticing?  You do it slowly.  You distract. And the people who notice, just call them “crazy.”  You don’t do it all at once.  You do it an inch at a time, and you distract them while you are moving it.

You tell them that there is some crazy disease, or there was a shooting, and then you move it while they are caught up in all the media around it. You tell them that Donald Trump is winning the presidential race, or you tell them Kylie Jenner has had plastic surgery.

Nobody cares about the penny as long as you don’t let them see it move. They are too focused on the things that you let them see.  And the people who do see the penny move, just call them crazy, because then people can sit and make fun of them while you move the penny a little more.

How do you stop the penny from moving all together?  You don’t.  There will always be someone who is going to move this penny, so you can either buy the lies that are being sold or you can separate yourself from the media and everyone who is caught up in it.

Who cares that “Love wins,” when we are brutally murdering people in another country? Who cares that Bruce changed his name to Caitlyn?  Someone is moving that penny while we bicker about “morals” and “equality.”  Love wins, when we stop invading countries and killing people over money and greed.

     That’s how you move a penny across the room without people noticing.

     america_If you didn’t get what I was trying to say then you are the person who is more worried about Kylie Jenner than the important penny I call America.

 One side of the room is free and the other side is a confined cell that is so tight you almost can’t breathe, but when it slowly gets smaller you don’t notice, until it’s too late to go back.  penny in a box

We need to wake up before we are confined in that small cell, and we need to stop worrying about who is winning the Oscars and worry more about who is winning the war on freedom.


DSC_4858Jamisyn Smith was born in 2000.  She has been homeschooled her entire life and takes a few classes at the high school.  She has four siblings and lives with her parents in Summit County Utah.  Jamisyn has won awards in photography, and writing at the county level.  She has participated in 4-H since 2010.  She loves architecture, fashion design and philosophy.

Merry Christmas, Peace on Earth

Merry Christmas, Peace on Earth

Merry Christmas.  Peace on earth, good will to men.  I am posting the Facebook status of a man I consider a good friend.  A man who deserves to say the things he is saying.  I leave these words of excellent foreign policy, that closely resemble those of our founders, for you to ponder on this day.  Because what we really want is “Peace on Earth.”

Christmas Eve 2015… Almost fifty years ago I was part of a small group that went out to conduct a pre-emptive strike because we just knew that “Nagoolian” (Bush for North Vietnamese Army) was going to violate the Christmas Ceasefire and we were up to destroying their will and ability to do that. Half way through the ensuing firefight I found myself lying on my back in a 81 or 82 millimeter mortar crater watching their green and our red tracer rounds crossing maybe 18″ above me. Honest!, I was humming “Deck the Halls…” and YES they had violated the ceasefire when we attacked them!

I truly pray that America will tire of finding excuses to wage, participate in, or supply war in 2016. The lines are getting blurrier every day that separates the “good guys” and the “bad guys” but there is no question about which nation contributes the most equipment and lethality to war in the world; it ain’t okay with me that it’s the US of A! We have the ability to end all life if we decided to do that, so does China and Russia. A few other nations have the ability to make a run at ending it all and, best case, make surviving a pretty grim outcome. I think it’s ridiculous to believe that any nation with Armageddon capabilities would attack the US. Hell, “Doomsday Devices” were perfected in the 60 ‘ s and I’m sure have been upgraded continually; if an adventuresome enemy hit any of 50 cities in America once, or any more than one American city…poof! “Hello WW III!” ISIS? I really believe the want a Moslem Caliphate over there and mess with us because we won’t let the Middle East self-determine; the same thing that all Empires have done on their way to the crapper. Pull out, give the bases we built to the nations where we built them in lieu of ANY more “foreign aid” or reparations payments, take our weapons back with us, and make it clear that America is done fighting on foreign soil. Make sure they remember that we are the only nation who has ever used Nukes on an enemy so that IS part of our war strategies so they’ll want to consider attacking us VERY CAREFULLY. The rest of the world can do what they want to do and China and Russia can referee from now on just leave us out of war and conquest. We’re gonna focus on meds and mental health; gonna cure cancer, alzheimer’s, American hunger, crime, addictions, and ignorance. We’ll still be part of the world community, if you want to buy any of our new industry we”ll be glad to sell it (for Shiny Rocks, we no longer value gold it’s become too much of a problem), if you’d rather spend on health instead of hell. But don’t bring war to US or we’ll extinct you. If Americans feel the need to mess around in foreign or warring countries, bodyguarding or building irrigation and wells, and they get killed that was their choice, kill Americans here, we’ll extinct you! Light off any nukes upwind of us, maybe we’ll extinct you…go ahead roll the dice.

Let’s quit buying and selling the old bullshit that America needs to fight wars either for ourselves or our allies; we fought the wars we needed to fight and fought a couple that we should have learned from that we’re more suited to being lovers than tyrants. Ultimately survival is a do-it-yourself project, bullies go looking for trouble and always find it. I love America, I went to war under the American flag, and believe me, I learned! Please go to YouTube and listen to Train, “Calling All Angels”

Merry Christmas, may 2016 be better for all the world than 2015 was, may we learn to live from our hearts instead of our fear, my we rely more on our backs than on our banks, and may God bless America with the remembrance of why he franchised us originally.

The Overton Window of Property Rights in America

Excellent article by Jared Wolfe in Beaver, Utah.

Beaver County STAR Forum

The Overton Window is a concept that describes a narrow window along the political spectrum that contains the ideas the public will accept. This window can be anywhere from total anarchy to total state control. Here in America I think our Overton Window of property rights is too close to the total state control end of the political spectrum. That probably doesn’t sit well with most people who think of themselves as staunch supporters of property rights. I am willing to bet that the perception of acceptable property rights for most Americans fall somewhere in the socialism section of the political spectrum.

I will present a scenario and you decide which person is the property owner, and which is not. “John” lives in a house on some property. He is free to make changes to the house or add additional buildings on the lot as long as he gets permission…

View original post 516 more words

Republicans & Democrats Agree

Republicans and Democrats agree.  Even if the caucus system (neighborhood meeting) is not perfect, changing it too much according to many Republicans, and even the Chaijimdr of the Utah Democrats, will not be a good thing. Jim Debakis said,

“Maybe the Utah caucus system needs to be changed or revised. Maybe not.  But the recently announced initiative proposal to reconfigure  the way Utah’s political parties pick candidates, is certainly NOT a good idea.”


Ask yourself the question, who benefits from the primary?  We can answer that later.

Sure, we need to streamline credentialing and check in.  Knocking an hour or more off the time-frame for the night is seen by a positive for all.  But many of the so-called proposals have not been well-thought out for their long-term consequences.  Gutting the system will be the same as eliminating it.

Why exactly do we have a neighborhood meeting?  Let’s answer the first question, by quoting the LDS Church on this meeting for their answer.  http://www.mormonnewsroom.org/article/first-presidency-issues-letter-utah-precinct-caucus-meetings

             “Precinct caucuses are the most fundamental grassroots level of political involvement. They are best served by a broad representation of Utah citizens. Those who attend play a critical role in selecting candidates for public office.”

Are many of Utah’s Republican and Democratic voices being heard?  The answer can be seen by the enormous growth of caucus attendance over the last (four) 4 years.  Let’s look at one precinct in one tiny place, mine, in Wanship.  For years when I first moved here, the big secret was the caucus night.  A select few individuals showed up.  They held all of the positions for that precinct; Precinct Chair, Vice Chair, County Delegate and State Delegate were all voted on, or assigned.  You see, only three (3) people ever showed up.  But in 2010 things changed in American politics.  Americans began to wake up, and began to re-energize their ideas of liberty from the days of our founders and beyond.  They started studying the votes of their Senators and Congressman; they started watching their State Legislators with more vigor.  Therefore, in 2010, the people of Utah, came forward, and attended their meetings.  My little precinct had 68 people in attendance.  It mattered, and so, people showed up.  Then in 2012, they did it again.  48 people showed up.  Two years of record-breaking attendance.  And yet, the naysayers of the caucus system cried that no one was participating.

caucus dictionaryIn Utah, many showed up to their caucus meetings without a full understanding of the process.  They had a strong agenda to see Orrin Hatch re-elected, since the last time it was to see Bob Bennett ousted.  The job of a delegate is bigger than just one office.  There were many good candidates running in a variety of offices, from Auditor, to Governor, to State Legislator and Utah State Senator, as well as the Senate and Congressional candidates. 

The delegates should only choose to run, if indeed they are going to participate.  This is what sets Utah apart from every other state – the caucus system.  Even when a no name, like me, ran for Congress against the well-liked Congressman Rob Bishop, I had a chance.  (Not a big chance, but a chance.)  The caucus system is the only place in the world that can happen.  And winning or losing isn’t always what makes it so great.  It is the fact that the delegates become very educated in the issues of the day.  Let’s look at the issue in my race, specifically.

The NDAA 2012 was a virtual unknown to many delegates until there was a challenge in the Rob Bishop campaign.  Once the dangers of this bill were made public, many people began to understand our liberty is more important than our safety.  This is a basic tenet set out by Benjamin Franklin when he said,

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

This wasn’t a Republican or Democrat issue, but an issue of civil liberty.

The delegates received letters from Rob Bishop explaining his vote.  I explained why he was mistaken.  This became a national issue, and was even the source of the 13-hour filibuster with Rand Paul.  You see, the little clause known as 1022, and 1023 in the NDAA 2012 language gives the president too much power over our citizens.  Rand Paul’s stance was to get clarification from our president that non-combatants who may be deemed by this language as terrorists could not be fired upon on American soil.  These are our liberties and they are at stake.  Thank you Rand Paul, and our own Senator Mike Lee for standing up for our liberty on this day.  It was nice to have this threat under NDAA 2012 and the Patriot Act brought to the forefront of the American people’s minds again.

Other debates began to emerge as campaigns announced.  School trust lands became a hot topic of the Governor’s race in Utah.  Morgan Philpot and Ken Sumsion each giving their ideas on how best to handle our land.

We heard about social security reform, debt ceilings, the war on drugs, the wars overseas, ending of federal departments, etc.  This is what makes the caucus system work.  People that have very little knowledge of government and the “great debate” begin to be involved in that great debate.  They begin to see that the media (the ones that make the money) aren’t always truthful.  They realize that just being a voter at the end of the day isn’t where the real decisions get made.  They also realize that being a delegate (especially a state delegate) requires a lot of focused time, consideration, and effort on their parts to do their precinct justice in being represented.  Not everyone can do this job.  Not everyone has the time to give to it.  Not everyone wants to do it.  Not everyone is educated in government enough to do the job.  But at your neighborhood caucus you can talk to your friends and neighbors and find out who in your neighborhood is qualified, has the time, and will be fair to all the candidates for office.  Each candidate deserves to be taken seriously and treated with real respect.  Even if you love your representative, the ideas that are brought forward for discussion make the system work that much better.  Citizens become informed directly from their representatives as they vie for votes.

Do not water-down the caucus system with proposals that make it possible for coercion at any level.  The votes need to take place in person.  The votes need to be by secret paper ballot.  The only thing that needs to change is check in.  It should be electronic and quick.

So let’s go back to our original question, who benefits from a water-down or elimination of the caucus system?  The media, and the wealthy.  They win, and you lose.  The people that make radio ads, TV commercials, and newspaper ads win.  They want you, the people, to be persuaded by sound bites.  There is big money in campaigns.  People spend hundreds of thousands of dollars before it ever gets to a primary and then millions at the primary level.  Follow the money.  The primary election does not create a more informed voter, just a voter that has been marketed to the most.

In the Lincoln-Douglas debates, it was hours of discussion on a topic to be rebutted for hours.  We must stop asking our society to make important decisions about the future of our state or country,  based on sound bites.  If we are in a primary mentality only, that is all we have left, and the guy with the most money, most of the time, will always come out on top, principles be damned.  This will end our Republic, and we will become a straight democracy.  Ask anyone who has studied history, a democracy is the first step toward socialism.

Save our caucus system, and maintain our republic.

Less Waste Not Fewer Police Officers — Sign the Petition Now!

Thanks to the Park Record for writing two stories  (one here and one here) on our efforts to get the two recent tax increases in the County on the ballot in 2014.  Sometimes “We the People” must show our elected officials who is boss.  As Councilwoman Elliott pointed out, the tax amounts are relatively small on an inexpensive home.  Motivation behind the referendum was the ease at which the Council moved forward to pass the tax increase, for a few to bear, and the fact the money was spent before the tax was even finalized.

Mssrs. Hanrahan, Elliott, Robinson, and McMullen (Dave Ure voted no) fail to understand that increasing taxes has a long-term impact on several aspects of our County development. This tax increase comes on top of a school tax increase, and unless the Council balances the budget, we will likely see more County tax increases in the future. Property values normally go down as tax rates go up, because new buyers are reluctant to purchase homes in areas where taxes are increasing. That will discourage companies from moving to Park City, as it becomes a higher cost place to live.  The people of Summit County have had to tighten their belts.  It’s time the County Council do the same.

Here is a picture of a Summit County Truck that is parked in front of the Boot Barn in Evanston, Wyoming where the County employee drove a heavy-duty vehicle at the expense of the County (translated the tax-payer) to Evanston to go shopping. The picture illustrates that the County Council could do a better job of cracking down on waste in their budget before they start raising taxes.

I got a call from Sheriff Dave Edmunds intimated to me that the County was planning to cut a number of his deputies if the tax increase did not go through. As a County, I hope everyone comes out to sign my petition so we can send the message to our tax-and-spend Council to take care of waste before they fire police officers.  We have plenty of places to cut from non-essential services before we take from the “proper role of government.”

Stay tuned to a bit more on this story in the next few days.  The next story just might make your blood boil.

If you would like to help and cannot take around petitions, you can help by sending a check to a PAC helping with this effort to the address below. (This PAC is registered with the State of Utah.)

Citizens for Fiscally Responsible Government, c/o Jacqueline Smith, 1965 S Hoytsville Road, Coalville, UT  84017

You can also contact me by email and I will get you set up to help.  You might even be able to earn some money.  We have a few weeks left to make this happen.

Question answered on Orrin Hatch

Today, a member of my meetup group said she didn’t feel I had done my homework on Orrin Hatch, and wondered why I felt he wasn’t standing up for our Constitution.  I respect her right to disagree, and wrote this quick email back.  Then I decided to just make it public.  I know he has many votes and he believes we are “cherry-picking” but these few votes, put in context of our current situation show a lack of understanding for the free-market, self-government, Federalism, and our Constitution. 
I’ve included a few photos to corroborate my story.
For the benefit of the group, I will be happy to share my personal and political experiences with Orrin Hatch.  I have met with Orrin personally now on 4 or 5 occasions over lunch or breakfast.  As you know, he came to Coalville a year ago and did a town hall that I set up for him.  He has called me personally from his cell phone in DC as well, to talk “about things,” and I have flown to DC and met him there as well.   I have expressed to him my frustration, only to be told, “I didn’t understand.”  This is nothing more than DC arrogance, and I’m done with it.  These guys work for us.  This is not second-hand information but direct votes and my personal experience.
If you don’t know much about me, I am a very self-educated individual and consider myself an avid student of government, history, and human nature.
  • I was frustrated over TARP in 2008. HATCH VOTED YES!  I believed that vote under Bush (and I am a Republican) could eventually create the downfall of our economic system.  I was trading the stock market that day and AIG was getting the $80 Billion bailout.  I knew this was a direct violation of free-market principles, and I also understood history.  Anytime a government tries to artificially manipulate the free-market system it either creates a deeper recession or depression, or complete collapse of an economy.  It rarely if ever turns out good.  That was a Pandora’s Box.
  • I began looking into Hatch’s record.  There is a website where you can see many of his votes that have been in direct violation with smaller government, or the constitution in and of itself.  www.hatchrecord.com This is a page with accurate information.
  • Medicare Part D was THE BIGGEST entitlement before Obamacare occurred in this country.
  • NDAA 2012 is another huge violation of our civil liberties. (See post)
  • SCHIP — bad legislation
  • In May he voted against an amendment put forward by Senator Rand Paul that would STOP allowing the FDA to do armed raids against people who drink raw milk, and sell goat cheese without a warrant.  Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and Mike Crapo (the guy who will be the finance chair from Idaho if Hatch does not return.) all voted in favor of this amendment.  This amendment would have put back in place our 4th amendment rights that we are not to be improperly searched or seized without a written warrant from a judge.
  • He has voted to raise the debt ceiling $7.6 Trillion dollars (almost 1/2 of our current national debt)
  • He has been in office longer than a dictator. 
  • He is using the same tactics that got us into the mess to try to get us out.  It won’t work.
  • His son works as a lobbyist for a pharmaceutical company and much of his donation money comes from that industry.
  • I’ve heard him publicly say the FDA deserves more money and more power.
  • He approved Cass Sunstein as regulatory czar.
  • He approved Ruth Bader Ginsberg to the supreme court.
  • The Senate Finance Chair should not be someone who has been fiscally irresponsible over the last 36 years.
  • Dan Liljenquist worked at Bain Capitol (Mitt Romney‘s company) and I’m sure he’ll get along just fine if he is the president.
  • Hill AFB is not in danger.  BRAC determines which bases close and which don’t.  Hill is getting tons of money dumped into it right now, and we are building the NSA right here in Utah, so it will need close defense of that BILLION dollar building.
  • Voted for the Federal Department of Education (and took away the ability for states to have control over education)
I hope all of you will do your own homework.  This is just a short list of my reasons. 
(I haven’t blogged in a long time … sorry)

The Constitution Hanging by a Thread?

It has been a long time since I have posted anything.  However, today is the first day of a New Year.  We have so much to be grateful for in this country, but we also have much to be wary of as well.  Today, a bill (HR 1540) goes into effect.  This is the NDAA or National Defense Authorization Act.  This one bill is over 500 pages, and quietly passed into law.  Click here for a link to the bill.

This is anything but an exhaustive article, but I want to hit a few points, so take the time to read this briefly and then dig deep and find your own answers. 

Today, I would dare say, our Constitution hangs by a thread.  I am reminded of the phrase attributed to Martin Niemöller,

“First they came for the communists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.  Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.  Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew.  Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.” 

This statement was first published in 1955 in a book called, They Thought They Were Free.  How many Americans watched the ball drop, celebrated with friends, played games and got drunk last night, and thought they were free?  I know that I enjoyed the night with family and friends alike.  However, I have no illusion that I am as free today as I was yesterday.  I still live in the greatest country on earth.  I still have more freedoms than most people have ever had, but they are dwindling quickly, and I am watching.

, member of the United States House of Represe...
Image via Wikipedia

I belong to many different “groups” on Facebook.  There are many disccusions…usually trivial and meaningless, but sometimes the debates are very interesting.  I am saddened by the educational dead zone that exists.  Yes, many know some facts, and many know the rhetoric on the left and on the right, but many are blind to the duplication of history that is being performed right before their eyes.  At least, some of them.  They trust their government.  They trust that human nature “could never” do something like happened to the Jews during WWII.  But it has begun, in the same manner as it did then, and many other times in history.  You remember the saying, those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  One of our Utah Representatives, Rob Bishop, was a history teacher.  Has he forgotten the lessons he taught?  Because it appears he saw no problem with this bill. 

Let’s not repeat history, let’s make history.  Let’s be the first nation in the history of the world to not fall into tyranny, but liberate ourselves once again the individuals in America from a tyrannical Federal Government, that believe our rights as American citizens can be tossed aside for a little safety.  We do this not by violent measures, but by a strong state government that is unwilling to allow the Federal government to overreach its jurisdiction within our state.

I am not a Rachel Maddow fan, but this clip illustrates that this is not a left / right issue, but an issue of civil liberties that should alarm all of us.  It is not R’s vs. D’s.  It is us (the people) against the tyranny of a much-too-large Federal government and it’s overreaching powers and authority.  The blame I place is not on the Democrats, because the Republicans control the House.  It does not sit entirely on Obama’s shoulders, however, he signed it without a veto as he should have. 


You can see how your House representatives voted click HERE.  Three of Utah’s representatives (Jim Mattheson –D , Rob Bishop –R , and Orrin Hatch of the Senate – R) decided your rights as an American citizen no longer deserved the protection granted in the Bill of Rights.  What does the Oath of Office mean to people?  Does it mean anything?  Do they understand they are not there to protect us from would-be crimes, but to protect our rights and liberties?  How long will the people of Utah allow their representatives to disregard their oath?   We have many Republicans running against Jim Mattheson in the 4th district including two of my favorites, Carl Wimmer and Mia Love.  We have a few candidates considering Orrin Hatch be “called home” namely Dan Liljenquist and Chris Herrod.  Also, Tim Aalders has talked about running, but is not official as of late.  But who is challenging Rob Bishop?  No one!  Really?  He goes unchallenged, and that causes me to believe Utah is fast asleep at the wheel, or they think Rob unbeatable.

Montana is doing something about this, and I hope Utah will join in the fight with them.  It’s time to re-call these men for violating their oath.  See the Montana article HERE.  But in order to be like Montana, we will need a very strong governor that will push hard against the Federal government. So far, Gary Herbert hasn’t been that guy.  Our individual liberty demands that our state sovereignty be strengthened.  We have a few candidates that have stepped up to run against Utah’s governor, namely Morgan Philpot and Ken Sumsion.

I’ve had people say to me, “Come on this will never affect YOU.”  Well, this bill, hasn’t had time yet, but it’s predecessor, The Patriot Act already has.  Rachel Maddow brings up the movie “The Minority Report.”  Please read my post on that subject here called Guilty until Proven Innocent.  For I have felt the sting of The Patriot Act myself, and wonder what would possess my Federal Government to suddenly see me, a mother of five, as a terrorist?  And yet, I was questioned because of the Patriot Act as if I was one.  If I have no right to trial, no right to a lawyer, no right to even know my charges, then what hope would I ever have of liberty or freedom in this once great country? 

Do you see how slippery the slope is when we trade essential liberty for a little temporary safety?  In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “we will have neither, and deserve neither.”

Other articles you may like peruse from Forbes and the ACLU and a few that talk about why this is a very real threat: 






Since this was published, Ron Paul has asked for section 1021 to be repealed….

The 9.12 Project of New York Takes Education Head On

There is an amazing change happening all across America.  We are learning our real history.   I remember watching The Glenn Beck Program as he stumbled across a thing called “TJed.”  That is the short version of A Thomas Jefferson Education.  This type of education is becoming popular, even if it is not called by that name.  Some call in Student Directed Learning, others Agency Based Education, others Classical Education.

This type of education takes you away from rote work and gives history and literature life.  TJed is getting back to the classics.  It’s experiencing mentors, and real thinking begins to take place no matter how old or young you may be.

I saw a young lady mention this education on The Glenn Beck program a while back.  I could not remember her name, but I remembered she was from New York and was heading up the 9.12 movement in that state.

I have been using TJed in my own personal life, as well as in the lives of my children for the past ten years.  I love learning, and I love the idea of TJed.  I continue to educate myself on a regular basis, so I signed up for a course at a college over the summer, that would enhance and rejuvenate myself about that learning process.  This college is in Monticello, Utah, and is rightly named Monticello College.


If you have read my blog over the years, you know I love history, especially the cycles of history, and most importantly, how they affect us today.  This retreat was going to be a camping retreat all about the cycles of history, so I said to my husband, “We’re going.”  He was thrilled, because I’m not really much of a camper and he loves it, and he’s not into the education side as much as I am, so this was a complete win / win.

While I was on this summer retreat, I ran into two 9.12ers from New York, who flew all the way to Utah to go camping and learning in the mountains of Monticello.  And sure enough, the girl on Glenn

Cleve Smith, Jacqueline Smith, Megan Daniel, Eli Schultz, Jeremy Near (Utah and New York 9.12ers)

Beck, Eli Schultz, was one of them.

Many people in the 9.12 movement have made this movement just about politics, and that is a sad mistake.  This movement goes deep into the heart of why our country is in this situation in the first place.  We are here, because we have allowed ourselves to get here.  We have been too obsessed with attainment, and/or entertainment.  We have allowed ourselves to become “the stupid people” that need to be governed, rather than governing ourselves.  Many 9.12 movements (including mine) have weighed-in heavily in the political environment, and while I don’t think that is going to go away, I am seeing a shift into the education side of the movement.  It will not be enough to just read a few popular books, or even a few old ones.  It is time to dig deep.  It is time to become a new American founder.  After all, what comes after a Fourth Turning?  A founding.  We must change our thinking.

I will be spending the next 12 days in New York travelling with Dr. Shanon Brooks, and his daughter around the New York area.  The first two days will be spent on some intense training called The Foundations of Liberty series.  These classes require a deep commitment to education, and while the readings are tough, the results are spectacular. 

After these two classes we will be making a tour here in the New York area called RVA or Re-Value America.  We will also have a special Cycles of History class available for those that ready for a more in-depth study into the broader perspective of the events of our day.  We will be studying the Tytler Cycle, the Toffler Cycle, and of course The Fourth Turning also known as the Kondratiev Wave.  I

Cover of "The Fourth Turning"

Cover of The Fourth Turning

was honored that Dr. Brooks asked me to join him on this tour and teach some wonderful leadership principles to the people of New York through the cycles.

To come to one or both of our events (that are all free by the way) please contact Eli Schultz. elilong141@gmail.com   Here is our schedule:  www.ReValueNY.com

Sept 28            NYC area

Sep 29             Saratoga

Sept 30            Albany

Oct 1               Rome & Watertown

Oct 2               Syracuse & Fulton

Oct 3               Buffalo

Oct 4               Rochester

This is a great opportunity to really heal your perspective and get ideas on how YOU can really make a difference not just in this country, but in your own community, in your own family, and in your own life.   

If you do not live in the New York area, please feel free to contact Dr. Shanon Brooks at his college website www.monticellocollege.org to schedule an RVA tour for your area, and then get the FOL classes in your neck of the woods.

Until we are an educated electorate that understands not only the nuances of government, but also has a deep understanding of human nature and the principles of liberty, we will remain “ruled over.”

“Hope” and “change” don’t come from the top down, but from the bottom up.  We are the hope and the change that the world is waiting to see.  “Be the change.”

If you see a book in these blog posts, just click on it, and it will take you to our STAR store, and your purchase will help promote liberty.

The Hatch Machine vs. ?

Opinion Piece

The long arm of the paid Hatch-brigade has sunk to a new low.  Since the exit of Jason Chaffetz as a possible candidate to unseat Hatch, there are many in the liberty movement desperately searching for not only a better candidate than Hatch, which isn’t hard, but one that could knock him off his 36-year throne.  http://www.dethronehatch.com/

I am one of those people exploring ALL my options.  My brother-in-law, set up an informal meeting with Neil Walter.  You might remember him from the convention race with Morgan Philpot for Congressional Seat 2.  He hasn’t said he’s running, and was only looking at options today in a breakfast meeting with a few activists that want Hatch out.

I put a note out for people to meet with Neil, and asked that they RSVP.  I was a few minutes late since I was driving from the Park City area.  When I walked in, they were just starting the discussion.  I looked up and across the table was Christy Achziger.  I like Christy, but this stunned me.  She hadn’t RSVP’d of course.   Word was she was working for Hatch.  I could not believe the nerve.  Now, she is free to work for anyone she wants, but as a paid staffer, it’s like the opposing team’s quarterback coming to your team meeting and acting like it’s no big deal to just open your playbook.  I asked her promptly if she was working for Hatch.  She replied in the affirmative.  I invited her to leave.  She didn’t, until another gentleman pulled her aside and explained why it would be uncomfortable, and we could not speak openly with her there.  The bad manners displayed by the Hatch campaign staff needs to be understood as marching orders from their boss.  Hatch will do anything to keep himself relevant, and sadly he is making some really nice people, look really bad in the process.

Hatch has also managed to get our “trusted” news source of Fox News to suddenly have a love-fest with the senator.  With Sarah Palin, Gretta van (whats-her-name), and Sean Hannity all falling into step.  I am now convinced principles don’t matter to most people, only what is in their best interest and the tug of the almighty (quickly losing value) dollar.

Within two hours of our meeting, someone from the Hatch office had called Neil and set up an appointment for him to meet with Senator Hatch.  One by one Hatch will attempt to convince his opponents to drop out of the race.

I am looking for the man or woman with the guts and drive to stand this goliath in the face and say, “Give it your best shot.”  If you have skeletons in your closet, lead with them.  He’s got them, too.  If you think he can dig up dirt on you from a soiled past and that isn’t who you are now, lead with it.  People understand.  They aren’t perfect either, but don’t let this man bully you into not running.  RUN.

We’ve done our homework Mr. Hatch, and you can be beat.  It isn’t just the liberty movement that is tired of you.  It’s many of the delegates and general populace within the Republican party right here in Utah.  It’s old school Republicans that are your age, and young fresh-faced voters, that have had the same Senator in office their entire lives.  What do you call a six-term senator?  You call him home.  Enough already.

Þ   You are a six-term senator, and that bothers me.

Þ   You started the Department of Education, and that bothers me.

Þ   You crafted legislation on Medicare Part-D (the largest entitlement the country had ever seen until Obamacare), and that bothers me.

Þ   You voted for TARP, and that bothers me.

Þ   You claim to have written the Patriot Act, and that bothers me.

Þ   You continue to give more power to the regulating bodies like the FDA and the USDA, and that bothers me.

I could go on and on.  These things bother me.  As a voter do they bother you?  Take a good look at the Hatch voting record.  I’ve provided some links for you to visit.



If we want to change Washington, we must first change ourselves.  For me, I’m changing myself into a concerned citizen that is paying attention and will no longer let the power-hungry stay in power.

I won’t be scared into believing your stories about Olympia Snowe.  She probably uses Hatch as her number one reason to be re-elected.  Those of you in DC use this strategy with each other against the people, and then you get to DC and shake hands and laugh at the American people who have been “had” again.  You sit in your DC bubble, with a cushy job, with cushy retirement, and cushy medical care, all on the backs of the tax-payers, while you listen to yourselves pontificate at Senate hearings that mean nothing and accomplish nothing other than feed your egos.

Our founding fathers never wanted career politicians.  We need to renew that belief.  We need people who won’t play the seniority game in Washington.  We don’t need any more games in Washington.  We need people who aren’t afraid of losing their “power,” and actually would rather not have it, but believe it belongs to the people.  We need people that will not make compromises that go against their principles for the sake of getting along, but instead hold their ground, for the people of our great nation, and restore our country to it’s founding principles.  We need individuals of integrity, wisdom and virtue.

We are waiting …..where are you?

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