Awaken, O America!

This 10 minute video is important to watch.  Senator Jim DeMint is asking a very important question.  I’m sure most of the American people are not aware that the recent bill that just passed has language that will stop all future Senators from amending or repealing this Health Care Plan.   Please watch the whole thing.   We are at the brink of tyranny.

Also, I wanted to share this video.   As someone who marched on 9.12 in Washington, D.C. this song and the pictures are moving.  Even though we are at a time of trouble, America truly is calling to you.  Stand up, be proud of our country, help our fellow countrymen through our own deeds, not those of the government, and be a light to your neighbors and friends.  O, America is calling.

Seven Keys to Freedom

Based on a talk by Oliver DeMille

To read  articles by Oliver DeMille, please vist  You can also find a link under our GREAT LINKS section on the right hand side of this site.  There are also articles in the site that you will be interested in.

 by Jacqueline Smith

We have come to a point in time where certain areas of society are told to be silent regarding public policy.  Recently Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid (D), commented that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the Mormon Church) should not have been involved with the debate on Proposition 8 in California.  We have also had a leader of  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Elder Dallin H. Oaks, come out and say we cannot leave our religion at the door of the voting booth, or at home when we step into public office.  Which view is correct?  I believe if we follow the advice of Harry Reid he can only lead us further down the path toward the end of our Republic as we know it.

According to Dr. Oliver DeMille, of George Wythe University, there are seven places in our society that must maintain an equal voice for freedom and liberty to abound.  When one or more takes precedence over the society we begin to see our liberties deteriorate.

What are those seven (7) parts?  Government is one of them.  However, if government is the only voice, then we have a totalitarian, fascistic style of government.  Government has begun to create an aristocracy, as the example of Harry Reid shows us, because it appears to be his belief that government always knows best, and all other voices should stay out of it.


Media also has a vital role.  But if media is left unchecked by the other parts of society, propaganda and the media’s agenda will reign.  We are seeing our media play into this propaganda media, and real journalism doesn’t seem to be as prevalent.

The other strong voice that is currently heard in our society is Business.  If business is the only voice, we have an oligarchy, where a few are making the decisions for many, and money creates a kind of aristocracy within our country.  The Republicans have long been a strong voice for business, but that isn’t the only voice that needs to be strong in the Republican party or their party will eliminate itself because most of the people will no longer tolerate the aristocracy.

These first three voices have been the main voices in deciding our public policy.  But should they be the only voices?  No.  But again, lets look at the other options as if they were the only voice as well. 


Family is one of them.  But if one family is the only voice, you will end up with a Monarchy, or the Mafia.  Not a good form of government.

Education has a role in creating our free society.  If they were the only voice heard we would have a very strong secular society.  Something I would argue we do indeed have.  People must be educated in freedom principles to maintain their freedom.  However, the government has been the overriding influence on our education system, and that is part of the reason many of our liberties have been lost.  The truth about our country is not as available to our young children, and they have, as of late, been spoon-fed the ideas of socialism from the time they are in elementary school, and then on a grand scale at the college and university level.


Religion is  a powerful example in history of both good and bad.  When religion is the only voice of public policy we end up with a theocracy.  The beauty of our great country is that it is founded upon religious freedom, so one religion cannot be held over us and put in place as a state religion.


Community must maintain its voice in public policy as well.  If only one community were to lead with it’s policy it may be oppressive to others or not strict enough, depending on the needs of that community.  It is imperative that each community (town, county, state) create laws that fit their own communities so that they are sovereigns within the sovereignty.

You can see how many of these voices are silenced by claims of “intolerance” or “lack of knowledge” to the specific policy.  All of these voices must equalize each other.  It is the voice of the family that must put education in it’s proper place, while the community as whole can influence the schools.  It is the schools place to help support the family in their roles, not to replace them.  It is up to the religions to help keep morals alive and well in our communities, and help man reach for the higher good.  It is the role of all of these to help keep media, and government in check.  it is the role of business to help our communities thrive, help our families maintain or grow their lifestyle, and help fund educational influence in our communities.  It is the role of religion to help our businesses maintain ethics, and the role of government to enforce good ethics practices with our businesses.

These seven places of society must have their voice heard by all other places in society.  One cannot be the ruler over the others, but must maintain equal ground in order for freedom to thrive and be passed on to our children and our grandchildren. 

I think the most silenced groups are the family and religion.  But according to our founders, they knew that if the people did not remain virtuous they would not be able to maintain their freedoms.  They knew that parents had the greatest influence on their children, and that religion held the greatest influence on communities.  As we have strayed from our Judeo / Christian beliefs in this country, and made God a word that is considered offensive, we see that freedom cannot be maintained.  We are watching as the idea of “tolerance” has become a mask for Judeo / Christian intolerance.

It is time for each of us to take a look at the 7 places in society that must share a  voice to maintain liberty.  If you have any influence in any of these areas, let your voice be heard.  Create a platform to make that voice heard a bit louder, and a bit truer in the public square.  Bring principles and God back into the center of our culture, and Save The American Republic

If you would like to be a leader in your community, and don’t know where to start, contact us for information on starting a STAR Forum group near you.


Global Warming Hoax

Global Warming Hoax Scientists caught red-handed fixing data (BIG NEWS)

 by Scott Simons

Scientist used mainly for support of the UN, Al Gore and Global Governance groups have been exposed.  They are criminally manipulating information that would disprove global warming and actual evidences showing the earth has been cooling.

Complicit several main stream news sites have been sitting on the new found proof for nearly a month.  Not only it is evident from the thousands of pages of email, memos, and documents captured in a hacked attack a couple of months ago, what is extremely disturbing is that it exposes how the CRU conspired to undermine honest scientists to destroy them and their work.

I could go on with tons of information but all you need to do to check this out yourself is Google, Yahoo, Start Page, type in “ClimateGate” and you can find it all out, (except in the Main Stream Media), this needs to go viral, at the grass-roots level. 

I found the fullest coverage is but there are many other sites.

It is up to us to spread the news, because the silence is going to be deafening from the MSM (main stream media). 

If you are a principled person that would like to lead a STAR forum in your area, please contact us here.