Let the Scare Tactics Begin — Where Are Your County Dollars Being Spent?

It’s time to look local!

Recently Bob Jasper, the Summit County Manager, was asked some tough questions by KPCW.  You should listen to his responses.  Click on this link for the audio file — Bob Jasper on KPCW

On November 8, Summit County voters have a chance to vote on some ballot initiatives.  When deciding if you want to rob Summit County of its assets to make up for the losses, and buy into the scare tactics of the County Coucil,  here are some things to consider:

1.    The County was over budget by $1.6M last year, and $2.1M this year.

2.    The County for too long has been using these heavy-handed strategies to get their agenda passed.  Sending out a letter paid by the taxpayer to try to pass their agenda is just a form of propaganda.  And YOU are paying for it.  They believe you are the little people, and that their agenda is too important to worry about the best interests of the people they are paid to represent.
3.    The County is lending money to Mountain Regional Water (the county owned water system) at a rate of 1.5%, when they would probably have to pay five (5) times that amount in the market.  Why is that?  Jasper said the Treasurer (Corrie Kirklen) made that decision.  Why should any business receive preferential treatment from the county over another business in the same industry?  And is this really a good risk for the county?
4.  The county Treasurer is working basically part-time and receiving approximately $110k per year.  So, who is really making these big decisions?
5.  The County gave Mountain Regional Water the ability to create a 14% rate increase this year and next, and for some reason they still need $500K of County funds.  There are other companies, like Gorgoza Mutual Water Company in Pinebook, and Summit Water Distribution Company, that are private organizations, that seem to be able to handle their water just fine, without county help, and even with the county doing things to block their progress.  These are great examples of how private industry is much more efficient than a government that can simply tax away your money instead of providing better services at a lower cost.
4.    Jasper claims there is an announcement on the movie studio.  Really?  Too bad the other parties involved don’t know of any deal on the table that will be announced in the next two weeks.  Is this just more propaganda to give hope?  And hope to who?
5.    In the discussion with KPCW, Mr. Jasper made a comment about someone on the planning commission  made negative comments about Prop 2 on her Facebook page.  (We know who this is.)  If someone made negative comments, then obviously there is an “against” that could have been written for the county publication.  It is wholly inappropriate for a county manager to take a public swipe at someone to try to get them into line with the will of the Council.
6.  Your county manager is a hired position.  His job is on the line under the direction of the County Council.  This is a horrible check.  It would be like our governor being appointed by our state legislators, and then if they didn’t like his positions, threatening his job.  How can Jasper claim to be doing what is in the best interest of the county, when he only answers to five (5) people on the council, instead of to the residents of Summit County.
There will be much more to see on the antics of this county council, so please subscribe in the box to the right to receive these posts right in your email box so you can easily forward them on to your other friends in Summit County.