War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on …. Whatever

War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on …. Whatever

Photo credit Associated Press

Photo credit Associated Press

Society often creates wars on things they don’t want, like the “War on Drugs,” the “War on Poverty,” the “Fight Against Illiteracy,” the “War on Teenage Pregnancy,” etc.  Politics are rank with fighting, infighting, figure pointing, and nonsense.

How can any organization or individual proclaiming the desire for change create change, when they are really only focusing on what they don’t want.

While studying Wallace Wattles, The Science of Abundance,  written long before “The Secret” came about, there is a very good explanation about how people create more of what they don’t want when they give it their attention.

Things are not brought into being by thinking about their opposites.  Health is never to be attained by studying disease and thinking about disease; righteousness in not to be promoted by studying sin and thinking about sin; and no one ever got rich by studying poverty and thinking about poverty.

I recently received an email from a fellow 9-12er in another state.  Her goal was to create a rally against Radical Islam.  I thought about what I had been learning.  Her next email was that she didn’t receive many responses.  I certainly hadn’t responded to her idea.  But then I wrote to her.  I explained that if she wanted to create a rally, maybe she could focus on what she actually wants.  Muslims, Christians, Jews, etc standing for Peace.  Uniting instead of dividing.

I recognize that sometimes we have to call things by what they are, but often still focus the wrong direction to eliminate it.  When people focus on the issue instead of the principle, they do not solve problems.  When we looked at the Tytler Cycle earlier in this blog, we recognize that when people focus on the issues it keeps society on the wrong side of the cycle.  When we focus on the principles, we create faith, liberty, and abundance.

The World’s Terminology                      Abundance Terminology

Fight Against Illiteracy                                  Advancement of Wide-Spread Education

Educating Children to Compete                  Inspiring Children to Create

War on Drugs                                                  Creating an Emotionally Healthy Society

War on Teenage Pregnancy                         Empowerment of Virtuous Youth

War on Poverty                                               Teaching Abundance

War on Terror                                                 Spreading Principles of Liberty

Can the world really drive out what they don’t want by focusing on the problem?

In another post, we looked at the schools in my area teaching a class on “White Privilege.”  Read more about that here.  But to sum it up, we cannot teach children they are racist to eliminate racism.  We must teach children how to recognize friendship and similarities. To become inclusive through finding common ground.  By recognizing difference and finding beauty in them.

Recently Mia Love, of Utah, joined the Republican Black Caucus.  mia love black caucusI’m not sure what the point of that organization is except to say you are not allowed unless your skin color is black.  How dividing is that?  It isn’t based on anything except how you were born.  It is not on the content of your character but the color of your skin.  This is the polar opposite of what Martin Luther King Jr. stood for.  He didn’t stand “against” the white man.  He stood for ALL men to become better individuals, be judged for what they create and do, not their color of their skin.

light-beam-in-dark-roomLet’s look at what we know.  If you come into a dark room and switch on the light, the darkness is gone.  Can you bring darkness into a lit room?  Can you  extinguish light with darkness?  It only works ONE DIRECTION.  Light ALWAYS dispels the darkness.  Darkness is the absence of light.

As a proponent of liberty and abundance, my goal is to help those of us promoting liberty and abundance to focus on those things.  I have watched as many 9-12 groups, tea party groups, and political groups become negative.  They have stopped standing for principles of liberty, and they have begun fighting against this or that issue.  It will never have the result you want.

Liberty is spread by education.  Abundance is spread by the teaching of abundance principles. Wattles also stated,

The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself.  You can serve God and man in no more effective way than by…the creative method and not by the competitive one.

Change will occur in America when Americans have more to protect, and are not just fed and entertained (bread and circuses).  fishIt is time to raise our fellow-man by not giving them the fish, but teaching them how to make the net (or pole), find the best fishing hole, teach them to fish, and most importantly, teach them how to believe they deserve to catch as many fish as they desire.

If you would like to begin finding your abundance, please join me by being mentored by some of the best. Click here for the MENTOR WEBSITE!



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I am Jacqueline Smith.  I am all about liberty, freedom and abundance.  I am the change I wish to see in the world.  JOIN ME!



The STAR Forum Makes The New York Times

Mormon Politicians From Utah Feel Tea Party Heat

Published: March 14, 2011

COALVILLE, Utah — Jacqueline Smith fits no one’s stereotype of a political kingmaker. A home-schooling Mormon mother of five, Ms. Smith lives in a modest ranch-style house here in the mountains outside Salt Lake City with her husband, Cleve, a plumbing contractor.

Djamila Grossman for The New York Times

Jacqueline Smith, in her Coalville, Utah, home on March 1, doubts Senator Orrin G. Hatch.

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Senator Hatch, shown Wednesday in Washington, is trying to win over Tea Party supporters.

But in the muscular arena of Tea Party and so-called Sept. 12 groups that have surged into dominance in Utah over the last year, places like Coalville and the Smith house have become unlikely stations for politicians to come kiss the ring.

(For the rest of the article, click the link below)


Today, What is Your Sacred Duty?

Today, you may have to walk across the street, or drive to a fire station, or visit a library, or possibly another public place and cast your ballot.  This is your sacred duty.  This is what separates us from the parts of the world in chaos.  When we want to change things, we peacefully go to the polls.

We have watched our country slide down into socialism for the last 80 years, and we have reached a point of alignment in our country.  Either you are on the side of liberty, or you are on the side of socialism.  Today, show your side.  There are good Democrats, good Republicans, and

Krige as the Borg Queen in First Contact

Image via Wikipedia

 good Independents running in races all over the nation.  However, weed out the Progressives, the Marxists, the Collective thinkers … the Borg

The tea parties, 9.12ers, and other like-minded groups have set out to not start a third-party, but to restore the parties to a place of integrity again.  We have not accomplished this task completely, but have made huge headway.  Now the people will have to decide if those that are on the ballot are worthy of their trust.  And once in office, must be watched with vigilance.

Many have given their lives, their fortunes, and held true their sacred honor for you to be able to enjoy this privilege.  If ever lost, your lifetime may end before you see the restoration of these liberties.   Robert Morris understood well, what those words meant.  Read about him and his sacrifice for our country.  He gave his entire fortune, and then some. 

Call a friend, take the bus, get a ride, but get out and vote.  Do it as if your liberty depends on it, because it does.  This is only the beginning.  We will continue to clean our houses and rid them of the dangers that are within.  We love our Founding Fathers.  We love the document they created in Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of these United States.  We are America; land of the free, and home of the brave.


Winning the Battle or Winning the War?

by Jacqueline Smith

Right now the war in the battlefield of ideas is raging, and yet many within the tea party groups, the 9.12 movement, and other conservative arenas are not feeling like they are winning the battle.  But are they winning the war?

The media and the government have done a great job of simply ignoring or discounting the groups and their efforts across this great nation.  Examples include how Time Magazine put not one picture of the march on Washington DC on September 12, 2009 in their “Year in Pictures.”  This is not by accident.  I was there on 9.12 and I saw the hundreds of thousands that by estimates of the crowd counters there said numbered at 1.6 million.  However, in their minds, if you are simply ignored, you will go away.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds. -- Samuel Adams

Missouri votes to not allow the health care mandate (Obamacare) to stand in their state by an overwhelming 70+ %.The media does not report it.  Does that seem like an oversight to you?  It is not.  It’s very deliberate.

A judge ignores the voters in California by overturning Prop. 8.  Even though the people of the state have voted twice and won to keep marriage between a man a woman.

You may not feel like you are winning any battles, because the media and government continually ignore you, but you will win the war of ideas.  Truth is the key.  When you cling to the truth, you plant yourself firmly on the side of winning in the end.  Do not give up hope.  Do not stop believing in the decency of humankind.  Do not allow the media or the government to cause you to doubt the difference you have made.


Stick together in your neighborhood groups.  If you don’t have one, create one.  There are like-minded people all around you.  Continue to educate yourselves in the classics of great literature, and great thinkers.  We are busy people.  We do not believe that government can fix our problems, and we want to focus on our families, our businesses, and our lives.  But make no mistake, if we do not stay focused in this critical time of alignment, our families that matter so much to us, will no longer be free.  

We are in a Fourth Turning, and while there are many places to focus, do not let yourself be weary.  You do not have to do everything, but if everyone does something, we will accomplish our goals of small government, less interference into our lives, less taxes and government waste, better quality of life with our families, and true charity among humanity by individuals and not governments.  The ills of the world are defeated one family, one community at a time, not by an overreaching federal government mandating social justice.  Dig deep, and find your own personal mission, and then live it.


Lunch with Orrin Hatch and the Glenn Beck Interview

Two weeks ago a group of 9.12 organizers, tea party organizers, and various campaign volunteers, most of which are also State and County delegates for the Republican Party met with Senator Orrin Hatch over lunch.  (The opinions expressed in this article are mine, and are not necessarily the opinions of the other people invited to the luncheon.)

They included:

  • Larry Jensen, a Salt Lake County 9.12 Organizer part of Utah Rising, and State Delegate
  • Brandon Beckham, from Slate It Up Films                              
  • Susan Benson, State Delegate
  • Rebekah Whyte, activist, and homeschool mom
  • Donald Cutshaw, State Delegate from http://patrioticutahns.com
  • Steve Jones, a state delegate, member of Utah Rising and iCaucus, as well as volunteer trainer for Morgan Philpot’s campaign
  • Susan Southwick, State Delegate and Tea Party Organizer part of Utah Rising in Salt Lake County
  • Jacquie Nelson, State Delegate
  • Margaret Wilkin, County Delegate, and 9.12 member
  • Marc Pelissie
  • Myranda Holgerson, Leg. Chair, Precinct Chair, UHEA Legislative Liason, homeschool mom.
  • Jacqueline Smith, State Delegate and Founder of The STAR Forum, the Summit County 9.12 group, part of Utah Rising, and homeschool mom


There were others there as well, and I apologize if you were not included in the list.

This lunch was organized by Hatch as a way to reach out to the 9.12 groups and tea party movement.  After the unseating of Senator Bennett, I think that Hatch is smart to reach out.  He bought us lunch, and that was very nice.  He didn’t have a chance to eat much because we were pretty excited about hearing his answers and had a lot of questions.

We had three main questions.  Larry Jensen presented the first question regarding our caucus system.  We asked him,


Each of us here today spent hours, days and weeks of study and civic involvement to become elected representatives of our neighborhoods in Utah’s Republican caucus/convention system.  We are here again today representing our neighbors who elected us.  Senator Hatch, do you favor this traditional form of representative system of choosing candidates for the Republican party or do you favor a direct primary?”

Hatch responded that it has served him well so far, and the reason we have it is so that a relative unknown without a lot of money can actually win the seat for the party.  He said that is the system we have and that he is willing to live with it.

 The next question was asked by me,

 “I applaud your thoughtful and well-reasoned opposition opinion to general Elena Kagan’s nomination for the Supreme Court.  It represents the near unanimous conclusion of everyone I have discussed this with during the last two weeks. Beyond the reasons you cited, there is significant evidence that Ms. Kagan has a history of association with people tied to three interrelated organizations, the Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee/Democratic Socialists of America and the far left Washington DC “think tank” Institute for Policy Studies.  We cannot allow a person with her documented background of associations to serve on the court.  What actions do you plan to take to prevent Kagan’s confirmation?”

Hatch feels that a filibuster is unconstitutional and shouldn’t be used.  He has come out publicly with his reasons for opposing Kagan.  He doesn’t want filibuster used by Republicans or Democrats. 

This answer troubled me, because even though I know he is a seasoned politician and well entrenched in the ways of Washington, I believe he is mistaken about the gravity of the current situation we face.  We are facing a near coup d’état of the Democrat Party by the Communists and Socialists in this country.  Has he been there so long and the transition been so slow, that he is unaware of the changes?  Not that he needs to be disagreeable or combative, but is Hatch really willing to call it as it is, instead of hiding behind friendships of the highest aristocracy created in our American system?

While I don’t think filibuster is necessarily the answer, what else can be done?  Can he get his face and voice out on the radio waves and television enough to send a strong message to the conservatives in other states so they are contacting their liberal Senators and swaying the vote?  Is he willing to bring enough attention to the matter?  Would he sacrifice his position and make some serious enemies to help our country block poor nominees, and put in Supreme Court Justices that will uphold the highest and first law of the U.S., the Constitution?

The third question was asked by Marc Pelissie about auditing the Fed.

“What has to happen for you to champion a comprehensive audit of the Federal Reserve?”  and as a follow-up “What can we do to ensure that happens?” or “What can we do to support you in making the audit happen?”  

 This answer came as a surprise, and a disappointment.  Hatch told us the Federal Reserve does get audited.  I realize it has some type of audit to be in business, because it is a private business remember, but it has not been audited in a way that gives the American people a good look at who is pulling the strings of this country.  Hatch also responded by saying in his 34 years in the Senate they have never had a fiscal majority.  I was 11 years old when Hatch went into office.  Through the Reagan years, through the majority in the Senate when Clinton was in office we’ve never had a fiscal majority?  Since Hatch has been in office the Republicans have held the Senate Majority over the 97, 98, 99, 104, 105, 106, 108, and 109th sessions of Congress.  He told us to get fiscal conservatives into the Senate with him.  He spoke of his seniority there on different committees and how we need to send “him” back to Washington.

So… is Hatch a fiscal conservative?  Well, he voted for Bush’s tarp, and I haven’t forgotten that.  Is it fiscally conservative to side with a President that says he is “abandoning free-market principles in order to save the free-market?”  The day AIG received it’s bailout, I told my husband we may have just witnessed “Black Wednesday,” instead of Black Tuesday, for our generation.

He also made a really big deal out of the BCS when the health care debate should have been the sole priority. 

Hatch asked us to make sure in November we elected more fiscal conservatives to the Senate.  I have a strong feeling that November will bring a great number of new conservatives in every respect to the Senate.  As sung by Krista Branch in her video “I Am America:”

             “You stuff your pockets while Rome is burning, 

              I’ve got a feeling that the tide is turning.”

 This could go two ways for Hatch that are completely positive.  One, he has two years to prove he’s really fighting for the very threads that bind our country together.  He will need to lead out in ways he never has in the past.  We will be watching him, and we will back him, if he puts himself out there and puts his own personal “career” aside, and has instead public virtue.  Two, he steps down without a fight in two years, and gets behind a freshman and mentors him, as our founders did not want career politicians.  The aristocracy of the Republicans and Democrats must come to an end.  A great book to read on aristocracy is “The Coming Aristocracy” by Oliver DeMille. 

Some of the things we heard him say were also heard on the Glenn Beck program last Thursday.  Here are the clips for you to hear.  Much of the same speech was given to us at the luncheon.   

Hatch invited three of my 9.12 friends to the fundraising event on Friday before Glenn Beck’s Salt Lake City show to have dinner with Glenn.  At $2,500 a plate, that is quite a gift.  Becky Pirente, Darcy VanOrden, and Brian Halladay all attended this very exclusive event.  All three are 9.12 organizers or activists in the more populated areas of Utah.  It was generous, and for a good cause.  Again, he is reaching out hard to the people who are currently now the Republican Party of Utah with the most say.

 It’s the delegates that will be in charge, and Hatch will work much harder than Bennett to ensure he has his delegates in place in 2012.  Based on the cycles of history we will probably be in even more serious political upheaval by then, but time will tell.  In the end the people will decide, and Hatch’s seniority isn’t going to be the thing on which their decision hangs.  Those tactics will not work in this political environment. 


Jason Chaffetz is a great example of what attention a freshman can create, and the waves that can be made when you stand for what you believe.  Is he getting anything done?  We don’t care, because we would actually like to see a Washington where nothing gets done and we, the people, are left alone.  Chaffetz is a watchdog, and workhorse for our rights, and he’s not afraid of digging up the dirt.

 Jason received a great amount of applause at the Glenn Beck American Revival in Salt Lake City compared to Hatch.  Hatch should read the writing on the wall, and do the right thing, instead of the thing that keeps him in power.  Chaffetz is well-known, and well-liked by the liberty-loving crowd in Utah.  Rumor is that in 2012, Chaffetz may well be the one to challenge the, by then, 36-year incumbent.  Until then, we can only hope that Hatch pushes hard for the truth, the law, and the correct principles that Save The American Republic.

Where are the Washingtons?

Many of my followers are not necessarily Glenn Beck fans, but recently Glenn Beck said something on his radio show that I would like to share with you.  His words represent the direction I have wanted this 9.12 project The STAR Forum to turn.  We must be educated to win.  We must change our very lives and decide we are willing to make sacrifices so that our children and grandchildren can live under freedom.  We must receive a liberal arts education.

Those that know me are aware that this has always been my goal.  While the politics of this movement can be exciting and interesting, and important, we must not forget the things that will change our society from the bottom up.  We must begin educating ourselves and our families, changing the way schools teach, and how they prepare our children for the world we live in.  Skills will never be enough.  We must have amazing young men and women of real character. We have been raised ourselves in a society that has not taught us to think sensus plenior, we have not learned to look to the great minds of the past that our founders studied.  We are in a 4th Turning, and honestly time is running out.  What an exciting and important time to live in.  We will only make a difference if we are educated.  This education can come many ways, but I have one solution, that although costs money, will not break the bank.  I have invited Dr. Shanon Brooks, who holds a PhD in Constitutional Law to begin to mentor us through a series of lectures beginning on June 26, 2010.  We only have room for 50 students.  This first of 5 lectures will open our minds and begin the process of all of us thinking on a different level.

To find out more about the Foundations of Liberty Seminar #1 , click here.

Here is the message from Glenn Beck:

May 10, 2010 – 15:29 ET   

GLENN: I’m going to say some things here that are not going to be for everybody, and that’s fine. And if it means that I shake some listeners loose, that’s fine. I’m charting my own course and I am trying to, I’m trying my hardest to preserve the voice of — or a voice of man a’s freedom, individual freedom for as long as possible. And I’m also trying to create other voices that understand the difference between individual freedom, individual rights and human rights. There are two kinds of rights and they are both important. But I’m going to chart a different course than others. Others are going to say get involved in politics and everything else. And while I think that I don’t have any problem with that, not a lot of people have been doing as much research as I have for the last five years. And a lot of people, I mean, everybody has gotten this wrong every step of the way. They’ve had pieces of it here and there but I don’t know anybody that has had the majority of pieces. We have.

This, I don’t even know what you would call it. This plan, this hijacking of our country. It didn’t start with Obama. It’s not about Obama. It’s not. This started a long, long time ago. And you are much farther behind than you think you are. I know. The only thing that gives me peace and comfort is I know what this land is. I know whose rights these are. No sword formed against thee shall prosper. He will destroy the devourer, not you. Not me. For our sake those who want to devour man’s individual rights will be destroyed. My guess is they will destroy themselves. It’s the way it always happens. These people are radicals. They are not rulers. However, I will tell you this, Cass Sunstein is the man that is wildly important. Because I see his fingerprints on almost everything now. So here’s my recommendation. The 9/12 project started a year and a half ago. I haven’t talked much about it because I don’t do anything with it myself. I mean, I’m not — I’m a proud 9/12er but I’m not involved in running it or anything else. This was yours. I will advise the 9/12 group, double your efforts. Get more people into the 9/12 project. Tea parties, while you play a valuable role, be very careful because you are not rooted in values and principles. What are your charting values and principles? 9/12 members, if you are not studying the values and principles and the founding fathers, it was set up as something different. It wasn’t a tea party. It wasn’t a political action committee. It was a preservation committee. As I saw it, it was a way for people to get together and learn and teach each other what values and principles were important. This is important because just like any kind of rights movement, there will be others just like with Martin Luther King, there was Malcolm X, there was William Ayers. Only one succeeded. People are going to be going through — when Europe begins to fall and you are seeing the very beginnings of it now, when Europe falls, the thing will come down, crashing down quickly and people are going to be herded into one direction. And it’s going to be a global direction. You need to be values and principles. You need to teach your children. You must see yourself — how many years have I said this? Wives, mothers, you must see yourself as Sarah Connor. You must. As Ronald Reagan said, if this country falls, where does the rest of the world go for freedom? But he also said this: This is the last stand. On the globe this is the last stand. And if this generation loses man’s freedom, this generation will not see it again.

I just read a letter from Thomas Jefferson, between Thomas Jefferson and James — or John Adams, 1823. I read it this morning. In it Thomas Jefferson said, if they lose freedom — speaking of us, future generations, if they lose freedom, there will be rivers of blood back and forth, back and forth. There will be a first attempt and a second attempt and a third attempt. And maybe after the third attempt they will win it back again. You must see yourself as a guardian, as someone who will preserve what is true and pass it on and not be a guardian — not be a militant but a guardian. A leader. Where are the — there are plenty of minutemen. Where are the Washingtons? Where are the Franklins? Where is Sam Adams? Where is John Adams? That is what the 9/12 project is. Not to create a warrior but to create great minds that understand it. To be able to create the next George Washington. That is your role. It may not be you. Find them. Teach them. Guide them. Shape them. Live principles and values. Almost no one in this country is.

The next step, you must know ten people. You must know ten people out of your circle of friends in your area that think like you do. Know them. This Internet nonsense of a public utility and this speech that the president gave over the weekend is positively chilling, especially if you couple it with the knowledge that we have been trying to impart to you for the last year and a half about what they are doing with the Internet and control of language and control of — I’ll show you tonight at 5:00. It is positively horrifying. You say it can’t happen in America. I hope to God it can’t. But it might. It could. All they need is an emergency. Know ten people because those ten people know other ten people. There’s got to be lines of information. If they control everything, you must have lines of communication. But God, I can’t believe I’m saying this stuff. This is the territory of the insane. But you better prepare and then hope for the best. You must prepare a freedom library. You must have the books on paper, have them on paper. You must have the books that are essential. You must have the Federalist Papers, the Constitution, original intent. The 5,000 Year Leap, please, if you haven’t gotten that yet, please get that. You must know, if you are working on the Internet and you see something, don’t just e mail it. Screen shot it. Pull it off. Put it onto a DVD. Save it. I can’t tell you the number of things that we have gone back and they have scrubbed. Things are disappearing like you would not believe. Learn the truth. Live the life of our founders. Be a decent, righteous, forthright honest man or woman in all of your business dealings. Demand it of yourself. Demand a higher standard for your children and do it now. Your children need to know. Your children must be prepared. Your children need to know what is true, what is not, how to work, what merit is. And here’s the part that is going to seem so simple and everybody’s going to say no, it’s better to organize, it’s better to, you know, get behind a candidate. Look, you’ve got to do that, too. When Moses was out in the wilderness, my gosh did the Israelites just, they were constantly complaining, “It’s hot, I’m cold, are we there yet,” over and over and over again. And Moses got to the point to where he was like, okay, you know, God, just kill me, just kill me, I can’t do it anymore with these people. When are you going to do it? Because just kill me, I can’t take it anymore. God didn’t. At some point God was like, I’m sending snakes or scorpions, I’m sending fiery, fiery snakes, man, just kill you all; I can’t take it anymore. He told Moses, put one, put a symbol of one up on a stick and tell everybody to look at it. They will be fine if they just look at it. A lot of them died because they didn’t look at it. It’s too easy, doesn’t make sense. What is the message? The message is look to God and live. Look to God and live. Please, please. It’s not you and me. It’s our children. It’s man’s freedom. Look to God to live.

Do Schools Kill Creativity?

By Jacqueline Smith  


Our education system in America must change.  We continue to tax the people to school our children in a broken, progressive, socialistic system.  I love education, and I love all the children in this great country, but an unsustainable system that is not producing the results we need in our country must end, and a new system emerge, or more accurately re-emerge.  

Dr. Brooks

I recently attended a wonderful event called ReValue America.  This class was taught by Dr. Shanon Brooks of Face to Face with Greatness, and hosted by Chad & Christy Watterson.  Because I have known Dr. Brooks for some time, the information was not unfamiliar but reminded me of the path I must take in order to put the values, the culture, the Americanism back into the heart of our country.  And it begins with a different type of education for the whole family.   

We school our children in literacy and skills.  We want them to have good jobs.  But we have killed their creativity.  We have thwarted the genius that all children have within, by saying they must have these skills, or those skills, without any core values, without a sense of the virtues that keep our country headed the right direction.  Throwing good money after a bad system will not fix our problems.  (School Equalization is just a bad bandage to a bleeding artery, that pulls at the heart-strings, but is not the solution.)  Money does not make children’s test scores increase.  It has been proven that our rate of return for our dollar is not very high, especially in areas like Detroit, but even in Utah we are only seeing about a 67% ROI.  (67 out of 100 children graduate)  So what happened?  Are the teachers that horrible, are the classes that under-funded?  No.  We have lost our culture over the last 80 years in America, and we must get our culture back.  Attending this class and implementing a new way of thinking and a new lifestyle of education will be the greatest impact on liberty.  I call upon 9.12 groups, tea party groups, and all other liberty-loving groups to schedule this event.  If we are going to be the ones that bring liberty back to our country, we better understand more than just the founders writings, but what the founders were reading for a decade before they became founders.  We will need an understanding much richer than anything we have received to date.  

The Fourth Turning is upon us, and our time is limited.  In order to have the type of impact on our society that great leaders of the past have had on their time, we must be educated in human nature, forms of government, family and society.  We must have public virtue being exemplified in our society again, and being taught to our children.  We must understand what it takes and begin getting a liberal arts education.  (Don’t worry, that will not make you a liberal in political terms.)  I discussed this on capitol hill at the Tax Day Tea Party Rally.  

I don’t have the answers, but I know that together we can find the answers, if we are educated.  We have an amazing group of people who have created a strong coalition with Utah Rising, but our efforts must not be lost by focusing only in the political arena.  Glenn Beck has it right when he discusses the 9 Principles and 12 Values.  We must focus on bringing that type of thinking back into the forefront of our country.  

If you live in the Utah area, and you are interested in attending one of these classes, I ask that you send us an email, so we can keep you on a list until our class is put on the schedule.   

I have had this video for a while, but I thought it appropriate with this article.  Enjoy.  

Tax Day Tea Partiers Geer Up, and Should Be On Guard

Thursday, April 15, 2010, there will be another opportunity for the Tea Party groups to rally.  In Utah, there will be a protest / rally at the Federal Building at 10:00 a.m. that moves to the Utah State Capitol Building at noon.  This will be a family friendly event, with speakers ranging from Tea Party Organizers, 9.12 Organizers (including me) , Candidates for public office, and those already holding political office.   For more information on this event go to www.utahrising.com

So who are the people who belong to the Tea Party Movement?  Are they anarchists, racists, and violent?  No, no, and no.  They are families that believe in their country, and they recognize government as a necessary evil to control anarchy, but government must never be allowed to become tyrannical.  They come from all backgrounds, all education levels, and all classes.  They are freedom loving people who recognize that failure is part of life, and the freedom to fail is part of what makes this country great.  They are peaceful people, that sing songs of our country when they are walking the streets of DC like “God Bless America” and “America the Beautiful.”

This clip gives you a great idea of the kind of people who make up the tea party movement.  My favorite line in this clip is “The more I give you, the more I control you.”  It really is true that a government big enough to give you everything, is also big enough to take it all away.

This next clip is a letter read by Jon Voight, and he is very accurate in his thinking.  We must be peaceful, God-loving, calm, resolved Americans.  Join us in this great movement for liberty.

Utah’s Biggest Tea Party … so far

by Jacqueline Smith

Before the 9.12 projects, and the tea party movement, many Republicans went to the polls in November, held their nose and voted.  Now we have a new age dawning.  9.12 groups, like the Davis County 9.12 Group, Utah Rising, The S.T.A.R. Forum, and Salt Lake County 9.12 have awakened the masses to the political process.  Groups already waving the banner of liberty with Utah Eagle Forum,  The Campaign for Liberty, and the John Birch Society have joined them.

This Tuesday, March 23, 2010, will be the biggest tea party so far.  You will see record numbers this Tuesday come out to caucus night in neighborhoods statewide.  This mass meeting is the cornerstone of the Representative Republic that holds our country together.  People have turned off the TV, they got off the couch, and they are attending.  In the past few months, people have read books like Glenn Beck’s Common Sense, and Cleon Skousen’s The 5,000 Year Leap.

Many Utahns have become educated in this process.  Before the education process swept over the masses, many people didn’t even understand that the only way to have a say on who showed up on the ballot in November was through this process.  It was a mystery how candidates were selected.  However, those days are over.

With the Federal Government ever encroaching into our daily lives, many Americans have been asking, “What can I do?”  The 9.12 movement came forward and said, “We have a plan, and it’s called caucus night.”

Henry Glasheen, Summit County Republican Chairman, said, “Turnout is going to be fantastic across the board.”  When asked why, he stated, “People are tired of government they view as not for the people.”

When an educated people participate in the process, liberty and freedom move forward.  We must constantly watch our elected officials and demand they give us the most individual liberty, ask for the most personal accountability from themselves and their constituents, and demand that Federal Government stay within the bounds set by the Constitution. 

You have never been to a caucus before?  That is okay, these people are your neighbors.  Find out where your caucus is by going to your COUNTY website.  All the county websites are listed at http://www.utgop.org/county.

This is a great year to begin your participation in the election process.  However, it cannot be your last.  We have much to correct in our states, and in our federal government.  So get involved, and stay involved.  That is how freedom works.  We have moved out of apathy, and it is vital to our liberty that we do not move back into a state of complacency.


The Time Bombs ….. The Best Chalkboard Beck Yet

I found this episode of Beck to be one of the best ever.  This may seem harder to follow than many of his shows, but what it should do is cause you to ask questions.  If you don’t know what he’s talking about … go study.  This is only a portion of his show from February 10, 2010, but it was great.   Remember, we must be educated in freedom principles to win.  We must also be financially, physically, and spiritually prepared.  Glenn Beck has interviewed the writer of  The Survivors Club, Ben Sherwood,

 and he tells us that the people who survive look at all of their options before catastrophe strikes in their life, and they have a great deal of faith.   Enjoy!