Hyperinflation Nation – HR 1207

These three videos may be the most important videos you see.  It is time to become informed.  We cannot as a society continue to put our heads in the sand regarding our country’s financial policies.  Please take the time to watch all three videos.  This is not some conspiracy theory.  Ask anyone who lived in Germany during the Weimar republic.

HR 1207 — The Federal Reserve

This audio explains how out of control the Federal Reserve really is.  Remember, the Federal Reserve is NOT FEDERAL.  This is a private bank, playing with your money.  The Federal Reserve is no more federal than is Federal Express.  We must take back control.  Republicans, Democrats, and Libertarians unite for freedom.  (The original video posted here was removed.  It was audio of King World news interview.  I’m not sure why, it was a great interview with Alan Grayson.  So instead I am posting his own video with his discussion with Ben Bernanke)

The Words of Abraham Lincoln, or not.


A friend of mine brought it to my attention that this quote by Abraham Lincoln has been wrongly atributed to him.  The words were actually written by the Reverend William H. Botcker for a 1916 pamphlet entitled “The 10 Cannots.”  Still a great quote anyway.


abe lincoln quote

The National Debit Road Trip

Does it really matter if it’s a Republican or Democrat driving?  NO.  What matters is that we pull in the reigns of those passing these outrageous budgets.  Get involved.

Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine

President Boyd K. Packer – Lifetime Freedom Award

We wanted to share with you a wonderful event that just recently took place in Provo, Utah.  Many may not know President Packer, but he is an ecclesiastical leader in my faith at one of the highest levels.  I believe this story will give hope and determination to all those who are fighting the battle for freedom and liberty.  We will likely not be called on to die for our country, but rather LIVE for it.  We may need to spend our fortunes, give of our time, and definitely have sacred honor.  To read the entire article and learn more about his man, click here.  Here is an excerpt from an article about that evening.


…After receiving the award, President Packer spoke of the freedoms the nation enjoys today — freedoms that came at a price.

He reflected upon James Madison’s record of the Constitutional Convention, referencing the weeks of time and effort that had been exhausted creating the U.S. Constitution allowing the freedoms enjoyed today.

He then told a story about the day that the men were individually signing the Constitution. During the convention, President George Washington was sitting in a high-back chair that had a picture of a rising sun on the back. Benjamin Franklin said that he had been looking at the sun all during the convention. He said he was never sure if it was a rising sun or a setting sun. But, as the men came forward one by one to sign the document, Franklin said that day he had the confidence to know it was a rising sun.

“Now 12 wars later and all that has gone on, that sun is now obscured,” President Packer said. “We know that war can’t destroy it, but if it is destroyed it will be from within. And now we face a danger greater than any of the wars we have faced. To honor the Constitution and to honor freedom is a sacred duty for all of us.

“I invoke the blessing on you who are doing this sacred work that you will keep it up, and that in due time the challenges that we face now from within can be conquered so that this nation may remain free.”

            We need the help of individuals around the country to educate our citizens on how freedom should look.  Stand up for freedom and lead your neighbors down a path that breaks the cycle of socialism that is currently underfoot.  Contact us for information on what you can do to help.

The American Trinity

For whatever reason, this video can now only be seen directly on the You Tube link.  It’s a good video.  Please click HERE, and you can watch it.

Global Currency?

Coin given at G8

Coin given at G8

Your thoughts on this?  One of the 28 Principles of Liberty is # 25 “Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations entangling alliances with none.”  This does not seem to fit does it.

Jerome Hudson: The Life of a Young Black Conservative

July 8, 2009

Last week Glenn Beck got a call from a very impressive young man named Jerome Hudson, who told Glenn he had written an op-ed during the 2008 election on being a black conservative. He sent it in and it’s fantastic. Enjoy!

While attending a black fraternity party, I recently learned it’s a bad idea to profess one’s affinity for Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity.   

Worse, according to current polls, it appears I may be the only black 22 year old in America who will be voting for Sen. John McCain.   

It’s not that I was unaware that being a black conservative Republican puts me in the ultimate “minority.”   After all, Shelby Steele’s classic article “ The Loneliness of the Black Conservative” has become an article of faith that I’ve all but committed to memory.    

But I guess I had made the mistake of buying into all that liberal yammering about being “open minded” and supporting “diversity” that I’d deluded myself into believing that a civil, discussion about the herd-like ideological mentality of so many of my contemporaries suffer from was possible.   

Boy, was I wrong.  Big time!   

My official “Negro” card got stripped away.  I instantly lost my “blackness.”  And now, consequently, I now am greeted with this: “Hey, y’all, here comes The Black Republican.”    

And that’s when I think to myself, Hmmm…so this is how it feels to be an “Uncle Tom.”   

Still, being labeled “The Black Republican” is undoubtedly a promotion from: “Hey, why are you dressed so nice?  You got a job interview or something?”  Or, worse, “Man, why are you talking like that?  You sound white?  Who do you think you are?  A conservative Kanye West?”

But my path to ideological emancipation began where all the most important things always begin—with my father and mother.  Growing up, my Army drill sergeant father was a firm believer in tough love.  My parents instilled in us Christian values.  But I believe that first part—having an involved mother and father—was critical.  With 70% of all black babies being born out-of-wedlock, it’s no wonder black poverty remains entrenched, welfare has become a way of life, and that many of my fellow young black male counterparts choose gangsta life over college.     But it wasn’t until college that I realized I had been ensnared in what John McWhorter calls the “Cult of Victimology.”  One of my professor’s pointed me toward a world of literature I’d never been introduced to:  Thomas Sowell, John McWhorter, Shelby Steele, Star Parker, Angela McGlowan, Larry Elder, Walter Williams—they obliterated the Leftist foolishness that floods my community.    

It was then that my eyes were opened to the truth, a truth that my father was willing to give his life for, a truth that hundreds of thousands of American soldiers have paid the ultimate price to pass on to future generations.  And that truth is this: America remains the greatest country that God gave to man.   

So imagine me, a member of various organizations that largely consist of young black Americans, most of whom are womb to the tomb Democrats and liberals, speaking openly about the many opportunities and blessings we enjoy in our great nation and refuting Michelle Obama’s supposition that America is a “downright mean place..”  

Can you say…..social suicide?    

“So Jerome,” the partygoers asked, “you’re REALLY a Republican?!”  


Of course I’m a Republican!  And your great grandparents were too!



Yes, I’m a member of the Anti-Slavery Party, the party responsible for: the 13th (abolished slavery), 14th (gave former slaves full citizenship rights), the 15th Amendment (gave slaves voting rights), the Civil Rights Act of 1871(protecting southern blacks from the Ku Klux Klan), the Reconstruction Acts, and the 1866, 1875, 1957, 1960, and 1964 Civil Rights Acts.And no, my brothers and sisters, yesterday’s southern Democrats are NOT today’s Republicans!  If so, former Klansman, Sen. Robert Byrd—the highest ranking senate Democrat and President Pro-Tempore of the Senate—apparently didn’t get the memo and forgot to switch parties. 

But it’s more than just the history.  I’m proud to stand for self-empowerment, personal responsibility, strong family values, small government, low taxes, free markets, a strong military, and individual achievement etc. 

And don’t even get me started on which side stands up for the precious 1.4 million unborn children (32% of whom are black), who will be casualties in the war inside the womb.  When I see these so-called “black leaders” bashing conservatives for “racist policies,” I wonder how they justify cheering on the political team who proudly defends the annihilation of 13 million black children since 1973.  

And conservatives don’t care about black people?    I don’t think so!

No, I think I’ll ride with the team who says enough with the welfare cancer that has destroyed people’s innate desire to achieve.  Yes, I’ll ride with the folks who respect me enough to consider me their equal and not insult me with Affirmative Action racism.  Yeah, I’ll ride with the gang who would rather create effective policies than emotional “feel good” symbolism that robs individuals of their desire to aspire. 

So while it may take a little getting used to walking into college parties where I’m known as “The Black Republican,” I now realize I am a newly inducted member of a rich tradition of ideologically emancipated black conservatives.  And guess what? I’m more than cool with that.   I’m proud, actually.

“The conservative Kanye West”?  


Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

Jerome Hudson is a sophomore at Tallahassee Community College with plans to transfer to Florida A&M University in the fall.


Are You a Madison, Jefferson, Ghandi or Mother Teresa?

Are You or Do You Know a Madison, Jefferson, Ghandi or Mother Teresa?

by Christy Watterson

James Madison could see that the Articles of Confederation were not working.  If something wasn’t done quickly, the new government would fail,  the 13 states would desintigrate,  hard won liberty would be lost, and England would step in and rule America once more.  Madison applied to Jefferson and others for ideas and resources on  government.  Jefferson sent Madison a crate of his own books from France where he was serving as an American ambassador.  He and others also gave Madison reading suggestions.  Madison studied all he could.  He read Montisque, Locke, Blackstone, etc.  He also read Cicero, and other great ancient scholars and leaders.  The Bible was another source of inspiration.  As he read these, he was able to think and understand on deep levels.  He was able to see what worked and didn’t work in the past.  What areas of human nature needed to kept in check.  What it would take to keep liberty alive.   He then gathered people he knew to be key indivituals from across the 13 states who also had the education, influence and backgroutnd to bring to pass a government that would perpetuate liberty.   These men gathered together in the Constitutional Convention and conceived an inspired document that would give people a country where they could live their lives and pursue their dreams in Liberty.

According to Dr. Oliver DeMille, in order for freedom to win in the United States today, we need 700 men and women like Cincinnatus, Madison, Jefferson, Ghandi and Mother Teresa.  Individuals who have the faith, education, understanding of human nature, and the ability to think and analyze on deep levels.  They also need to have the skills necessary to organize, bring key players together, and lead and rally when needed.  They must have the education, ability and personality to make freedom possible on a national level.  Let us all pray that as the time comes when the people cry we need a Cincinnatus, that 700 step forward.  That God has prepared these individuals just as he prepared Washington, Madison and Jefferson etc.  is my hope and prayer.   Is it your mission to be one of these?  A great place to start is George Wythe University.  They are a university dedicated to creating leaders and statesmen of the calibur  of Jefferson and Madison.   Look them up at http://www.gw.edu  Lastly, if you are interested in reading more of Dr. Oliver DeMille has to say on what it will take for freedom to win, you can download his webinar The Coming Aristocray parts one and two.  In these audio downloads, he explains how an aristocracy is again coming to power in the United States in the form of out of control big business and government who are becoming a law unto themselves.  He also tells us what it will take in order for freedom to win.  There are also some great audio downloads on the 4th turning called “A Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste” and freedom available at www.tjedmarketplace.com look for Dr. DeMille’s  recordings on The Freedom Crisis and also The Great Depression of 2012 all about how to succeed in a fourth turning.

 What is YOUR MISSION?     

 Now is the time for you to embark on a journey of finding out what your mission is.  No matter what your mission is, one key comes up over and over again.  You must educate yourself so that you can fulfill your mission.  Almost all the signers of the Declaration of Independence were well educated, some self taught and others through schools that gave quality education.  It is interesting to note, that almost all of the signers were born in the First or Second turning of that time period.  They were the ones who had the education and mission to be the leadership during the Fourth Turning including the Revolutionary War and Constitutional Convention.   Is it your job to provide leadership in this Fourth Turning?  If so, start educating yourself.  Start a branch of the STAR Forum with your friends and family.  Discuss great books and ideas together in your forum.  Exchange ideas on liberty, mini-factories, education, honor and the classics.  Prepare yourself to fulfill your mission.  JOIN US.