CYCLES CLASS ON ZOOM – April 11, 2020 7:00 pm Mountain Time – ONLINE!

101 years later, we are experiencing very similar circumstances to the 1919 pandemic. But what is really going on? No conspiracy theory here, although I look into them, and find some truth, but honestly, where are we, and where are we headed? What, if anything, can we do?

We will be taking a look back at the other 4th Turnings in history and do a deep dive into the just the CRISIS portion of that history. We will extrapolate together, based on history, the liklihood of the pending outcome.

JOIN US LIVE ON A ZOOM. 100 people can attend live. We will record it for future watching if you don’t make it on.

We are excited by this time in history. There is a reason. JOIN US!


I Have Quietly Watched this Unfold … and now must speak! Part 1

I Have Quietly Watched this Unfold … and now must speak! Part 1

While COVID-19 has unfolded I have mostly, quietly watched.  I have listened to all sides, and I have looked back on history.  The Fourth Turning has a climax.  This is the beginning of it.  We will have economic and social impact from this single event that will impact our lives, our economy and our freedom worldwide.

This blog has sat silent for years, because I walked away from the negativity of politics and totally changed my profession. I became involved in the manufacturing of food.  My company was one of the first affected when the biggest expos, Natural Foods Expo West,

was shut down in Aneheim on March 3, voluntarily and not by government madate.  With tens of thousands of dollars put into this event by our company and having it cancel the day we arrived from Utah, needless to say, it was quite a disappointment.  So we did what most Americans would do …. we went to Disneyland.

We were not afraid, and felt good about spending time with our family since our plans had changed and we already had hotels booked and paid for.

We came home and got busy revising our outreach program for our company so we could still have growth in 2020.  And then things just kept getting worse.

I am an eternal optimist.  I try and find a silver lining in everthing.  I watched this video, and I kept trying to decide “is it good or is it bad” that the event was cancelled?  Financially it didn’t seem like it, but I’m trying to see a bigger picture.

I didn’t freak out. I didn’t go to Costco and buy 5 cases of toilet paper. I didn’t even go to the grocery store for 2 weeks. We had enough and everyone was starting to freak out. I thought, “This should pass, and people will come back to their senses.” I was wrong. I was sad. Instead of being a people that govern themselves, I watched people hoarding, and panicking, and becoming totally selfish. Then what happens? Governments step in, and freedom detriorates quickly.

I found myself having a minor panic attack one day, changing a roll of toilet paper, and decided to head to the stores, while my husband purchased a bidet seat. (Benefits of being married to a plumber)

What I found was shocking. This isn’t new to anyone by now, but wanted to share for context.

Following this, Utah and then Idaho experienced earthquakes.

So where do we go from here? What can we expect, and how do we stay positive and move forward, creating, like we’ve been sharing for decades, to create a NEW FOUNDING. And what does that look like? Who are the leaders? Do we capitulate to the government oversears, or be responsible citizens that can govern ourselves?

I’m not here to say you should or shouldn’t social distance, I’m not here to say I am buying into the media hype, (even though I am not.) I’m here to offer some perspective based on history about where we are in the cycle known as The Kondratiev Wave, specifically The Fourth Turning. This is real, and the consequences are real. But fear is the biggest enemy of all. Fear drives markets, governments, and people into panic buying, and panic restrictions. Do not be afraid. Get self sufficient. Pray for those who are alone or away from their families, or who really are at risk.

For those of you new to this blog, I invite you to back up and read all about the blog posts relating to The Fourth Turning. I will be announcing an online event as well, so we can review The Fourth Turning together in the comfort of our homes while social distancing continues. And here is another blog post to read taking a closer look at the Fourth Turning.

Since these original posts were written decades ago, the timeline looks a bit different since most scholars believe 2008 was the catalyst, and not 2001. So add 7 years to every other part of the cycle, and it puts the Climax at 2020 without a hitch.

This is the beginning of the CLIMAX of the Fourth Turning. If you aren’t prepared mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically, it may be a bit harder but not impossible to be ready. Don’t panic. Just get prepared for the days, weeks, months and years of the coming CLIMAX. They generally last between 5-7 years historically.

I invite all who are looking for a message of peace in these troubled times to tune in to a public broadcast beginning tomorrow and running through Sunday of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints General Conference.

Stay Tuned!!! I will be doing an online event shortly. Mark this blog and sign up for the newsletter. This will be an online 2 hour class looking at the Fourth Turning in depth.

Pennies — by guest writer, Jamisyn Smith

The following story was written by a 15-year-old.  Our children are watching.



by Jamisyn Smith

How do you get a penny across the room without anyone noticing?  You do it slowly.  You distract. And the people who notice, just call them “crazy.”  You don’t do it all at once.  You do it an inch at a time, and you distract them while you are moving it.

You tell them that there is some crazy disease, or there was a shooting, and then you move it while they are caught up in all the media around it. You tell them that Donald Trump is winning the presidential race, or you tell them Kylie Jenner has had plastic surgery.

Nobody cares about the penny as long as you don’t let them see it move. They are too focused on the things that you let them see.  And the people who do see the penny move, just call them crazy, because then people can sit and make fun of them while you move the penny a little more.

How do you stop the penny from moving all together?  You don’t.  There will always be someone who is going to move this penny, so you can either buy the lies that are being sold or you can separate yourself from the media and everyone who is caught up in it.

Who cares that “Love wins,” when we are brutally murdering people in another country? Who cares that Bruce changed his name to Caitlyn?  Someone is moving that penny while we bicker about “morals” and “equality.”  Love wins, when we stop invading countries and killing people over money and greed.

     That’s how you move a penny across the room without people noticing.

     america_If you didn’t get what I was trying to say then you are the person who is more worried about Kylie Jenner than the important penny I call America.

 One side of the room is free and the other side is a confined cell that is so tight you almost can’t breathe, but when it slowly gets smaller you don’t notice, until it’s too late to go back.  penny in a box

We need to wake up before we are confined in that small cell, and we need to stop worrying about who is winning the Oscars and worry more about who is winning the war on freedom.


DSC_4858Jamisyn Smith was born in 2000.  She has been homeschooled her entire life and takes a few classes at the high school.  She has four siblings and lives with her parents in Summit County Utah.  Jamisyn has won awards in photography, and writing at the county level.  She has participated in 4-H since 2010.  She loves architecture, fashion design and philosophy.

Exploring the Sub-Conscious Mind — FREE CLASS

Exploring the Sub-Conscious Mind — FREE CLASS


Join us, Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.

I have been having such an intense change in myself this year, that I want to share with you some of the things I am learning.  This is an invitation to a free class that will enlighten your mind, and give you control over your sub-conscious reaction.

We will be discussing the keys to tapping into our subconscious, finding the books that will be the most productive to change our mindset.  We will be looking in to The Karpman Drama Triangle, how to recognize it, how to avoid stepping into it, and how to shift to a more powerful place in your life, with freedom instead of drama.

Come to a comfortable discussion.  I will share with you my experience of my dwindling after my run for Congress, and my story of re-birth into a life I am so grateful to have.

Jenn McMcurdoJen McMurdo will be discussing the heart.  How to step into unconditional love, and make the most of your relationships.  She is my partner in Mentoring For Me, and she has a great calming presence.

We also are pleased to announce that Stephen Miller will be joining us andStephen Miller discussing a powerful concept of NOW that has helped so many people get beyond their past, and have a brighter, happier future.

REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED!  Seating is limited.  Please on HERE for your ticket.

Bring your spouse.  Let’s change the world one person at a time.



Merry Christmas, Peace on Earth

Merry Christmas, Peace on Earth

Merry Christmas.  Peace on earth, good will to men.  I am posting the Facebook status of a man I consider a good friend.  A man who deserves to say the things he is saying.  I leave these words of excellent foreign policy, that closely resemble those of our founders, for you to ponder on this day.  Because what we really want is “Peace on Earth.”

Christmas Eve 2015… Almost fifty years ago I was part of a small group that went out to conduct a pre-emptive strike because we just knew that “Nagoolian” (Bush for North Vietnamese Army) was going to violate the Christmas Ceasefire and we were up to destroying their will and ability to do that. Half way through the ensuing firefight I found myself lying on my back in a 81 or 82 millimeter mortar crater watching their green and our red tracer rounds crossing maybe 18″ above me. Honest!, I was humming “Deck the Halls…” and YES they had violated the ceasefire when we attacked them!

I truly pray that America will tire of finding excuses to wage, participate in, or supply war in 2016. The lines are getting blurrier every day that separates the “good guys” and the “bad guys” but there is no question about which nation contributes the most equipment and lethality to war in the world; it ain’t okay with me that it’s the US of A! We have the ability to end all life if we decided to do that, so does China and Russia. A few other nations have the ability to make a run at ending it all and, best case, make surviving a pretty grim outcome. I think it’s ridiculous to believe that any nation with Armageddon capabilities would attack the US. Hell, “Doomsday Devices” were perfected in the 60 ‘ s and I’m sure have been upgraded continually; if an adventuresome enemy hit any of 50 cities in America once, or any more than one American city…poof! “Hello WW III!” ISIS? I really believe the want a Moslem Caliphate over there and mess with us because we won’t let the Middle East self-determine; the same thing that all Empires have done on their way to the crapper. Pull out, give the bases we built to the nations where we built them in lieu of ANY more “foreign aid” or reparations payments, take our weapons back with us, and make it clear that America is done fighting on foreign soil. Make sure they remember that we are the only nation who has ever used Nukes on an enemy so that IS part of our war strategies so they’ll want to consider attacking us VERY CAREFULLY. The rest of the world can do what they want to do and China and Russia can referee from now on just leave us out of war and conquest. We’re gonna focus on meds and mental health; gonna cure cancer, alzheimer’s, American hunger, crime, addictions, and ignorance. We’ll still be part of the world community, if you want to buy any of our new industry we”ll be glad to sell it (for Shiny Rocks, we no longer value gold it’s become too much of a problem), if you’d rather spend on health instead of hell. But don’t bring war to US or we’ll extinct you. If Americans feel the need to mess around in foreign or warring countries, bodyguarding or building irrigation and wells, and they get killed that was their choice, kill Americans here, we’ll extinct you! Light off any nukes upwind of us, maybe we’ll extinct you…go ahead roll the dice.

Let’s quit buying and selling the old bullshit that America needs to fight wars either for ourselves or our allies; we fought the wars we needed to fight and fought a couple that we should have learned from that we’re more suited to being lovers than tyrants. Ultimately survival is a do-it-yourself project, bullies go looking for trouble and always find it. I love America, I went to war under the American flag, and believe me, I learned! Please go to YouTube and listen to Train, “Calling All Angels”

Merry Christmas, may 2016 be better for all the world than 2015 was, may we learn to live from our hearts instead of our fear, my we rely more on our backs than on our banks, and may God bless America with the remembrance of why he franchised us originally.

San Bernardino and The Fourth Turning

I may have changed my mind on the catalyst of “The Fourth Turning.”  For years I have been teaching this cycle in history.  It has fascinated me more than any other cycle I have studied.  I am a believer in patterns.

Recently Glenn Beck talked about this cycle in history again on his radio show.  I have heard it mentioned in blogs, and I had the opportunity to teach this cycle in a very condensed version at the Limitless Tribe Night that was broadcast.  (My portion begins at 1:32:00) I have been meaning to write this blog post for almost six months.  It’s time to share my thoughts especially since the attacks in Paris are fresh on our minds, and after today’s shootings in San Bernardino.

The book “The Fourth Turning” by Strauss & Howe is an amazing look at this 80-120 year cycle.  You can read more about the specific of this cycle, HERE!

Originally, when the book was written in 1997, it was looking forward to the day the Fourth Turning would begin.  It gave a number of possible scenarios for possibilities of a catalyst from the Third Turning to the Fourth Turning.

“A Fourth Turning does not require economic depression or civil war, but it does require public sacrifice and political upheaval.”

Here is a quick look at times from end of  Unraveling (3rd Turning) to Crisis (4th Turning):

  • Wars of the Roses (1459-1487, Late Medieval Saeculum
  • Armada Crisis (1569-1594), Reformation Saeculum
  • Glorious Revolution (1675-1704), New World Saeculum
  • American Revolution (1773 – 1794), Revolutionary Saeculum
  • Civil War (1860-1865), Civil War Saeculum
  • Great Depression and World War II (1929-1946), Great Power Saeculum
  • Millennial Crisis, (2005?-2029?), Millennial Saeculum

We are in the crisis.  There is no doubt about it, and it will be interesting to see what the next few years bring.  I have taught that the catalyst was likely 9-11-01.  And that still may prove to be the case.  I have waited for 2015 to roll around, because if history is an indicator of the future, the climax of the Fourth Turning will hit this year.  It’s December.  These cycles are never exact, and cannot be predicted with exact dates, but we are starting to see things really begin to heat up around the world.

If we see a big climax occur, it will likely affect most of the population in America and much worldwide.  This is the first time in history that this cycle has played out where so many of the nations great countries are on the cycle at the same time with each other.  That makes this cycle just a bit different.  It isn’t happening any faster, but it is happening more globally. For a closer look just at the Fourth Turning, CLICK HERE!

If we do not see a big climax occur, then 9-11-01 was not the catalyst.  Many people, including one of the authors of The Fourth Turning believe the catalyst was likely the stock market and housing crash of 2008.  This could also be right, and if that is the case, we should all be thankful because it likely means we have a little more time to prepare for the climax.

The climax usually comes about halfway through the Fourth Turning.  Each turning lasts about 20-30 years.  So this would be between NOW and next year if the cycle lasts 30 years and it began in 2001.  Or it could be in about 2023 if the cycle lasts about 30 years and the catalyst was in 2008.  Or it could just be tomorrow.  This is a big wait and see game.  No one really knows where or when the big climax of the turning will hit.  Remember it has been a plague, a famine, a war, or depression historically.

So what do we do with this information?  I really believe there is only one answer.  PREPARE!  And I’m not talking about survival skills, although that will help.  I’m not talking about food storage, although that will be extremely helpful.  I’m not talking about disconnecting from the internet, although we could all do that more often and see better results in our lives.  What I’m talking about is preparing your heart.  Prepare your spirit, prepare your soul.

If we are ever to truly make a difference in this world, it will be by listening to the spirit that is within us, and getting the answers we need for ourselves, our lives, and our families.  It is learning to love our neighbors, even though they are really, really annoying.  It is learning to put up with other people’s garbage, and mistakes, and shortcomings.  It is learning to love and serve when there is nothing that can come from doing it.  You are just doing it.  No reward, no payback, not even acknowledgement.  That is what this life is really about.  Preparing for the future, is preparing your heart to create a world that is better than the one we have now.

What comes after the crisis … a founding.  And that usually creates something through that saeculum.  About 100 years.  What are you going to create?  What kind of founding do you want?  Are you educating yourself and your children in a way to understand how powerful your minds are?  Do you understand what real liberty and freedom looks like?  Do you understand that real freedom comes between the ears?  Can you visualize a future that is bright, and glorious?  Who is leading your thoughts?  Is it you, the media, inspiration, or darkness?  DECIDE now what direction you want for your life.

I am happy to say that in the last 4 months I have stopped focusing on what is wrong with the world and life, and I am focusing on what is good and beautiful.  I see more beauty, I see more good, and I see people as people, instead of annoyances.

You may wonder how I did that.  A few things actually.  I will list them here:

  1. I started the year on a phone call. I did it every single weekday.  We read a few books together, and discussed them.  It was a good group of people.  My mind was expanding again.
  1. I began implementing the idea of connecting to source. (My source is God the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.  Probably a few guardian angels, too.)
  1. I began following the promptings that I knew came from God.
  1. I attended a class in September that sent me on a fast course. (CLICK HERE FOR THIS CLASS.  Also, shoot me an email and I will get you a discount of $69 for two people to attend.)
  1. I began a mentoring program.
  1. I have continued to follow inspiration to guide me to other mentors, and to other books that I should read.

The answers are different for every single person.  But the answers are out there.  This is THE GREATEST TIME TO BE ALIVE!  This is the time when we can change lives for the better.  This is the one chance in our lifetime to set things for the next 100 years.  And I believe that what we do today, will create things for ourselves and our posterity that will hang in the balance of eternity.

This song plays over and over in my head, because the words are so true.  We can create amazing things together.

Find your purpose.  Find your passion.  Fulfill your life.

If you would like personal mentoring, CLICK HERE!

PrintReady to take on your life?  Ready to take yourself or your business to the next level?  CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE to gain access to a FREE Video series on Financial Literacy.

Want to learn how to Consciously Create in your life?  CLICK HERE to learn more.

Want to schedule me to come and speak at an event?  CLICK HERE.


Do you have an Ideal Life Vision? Meet Ann Webb

Re-blogged with edits fromShanon Brooks with permissionPosted: 23 Apr 2015 01:21 PM PDT

Ann-Webb-headshot-300x300 15 years ago, Dr. Shanon Brooks sat in the living room of a female student.  She was a mother of 5 and had an idea she wanted to share with him.She was shy and nervous. She fumbled and struggled to share what was in her heart. He praised her for the effort and thought little of it.
To his surprise, a decade and 1/2 later, Ann Webb is the owner of 2 businesses earning a multiple seven-figure income, has a happy and fulfilling family life, is having real impact with her LifeVision students in Africa, and is a founding mentor in the Conscious Creator Mentoring Network.
In a recent telephone conversation he asked about her mission and she said, “The best part of what I do is seeing hundreds and thousands of lives change and transform as they begin using Ideal LifeVision in their daily routine.  You see, in my experience, most people that I meet are unhappy with the results in their lives and at some point they express this burning desire to re-invent themselves.
‘Why? It’s very simple, they don’t have the body they want, the money they want, or the relationships they want.  And even though this is the reality for most people, that ability to change the status quo and create the life they have always dreamed of appears impossible.
‘Because the truth is, they have no idea how to get clear on what they want or even why the things they’ve tried in the past have failed to deliver the results they were seeking. So over the past seven years, I’ve had the chance to guide thousands of people from all over the world through the sometimes rocky journey of living their ideal life.”
Click here if you want to hear more of Ann’s story. You can get access to all of Ann’s process including videos and other helps by enrolling in her short course on the Conscious Creator Mentoring Network. 

It is time to raise the consciousness of the planet.  This network is still in its introductory phase, and new content is being added almost daily.  Soon we will be an international presence.  Instead of displacing so many personal coaches and mentors with a product, we are bringing them all under one roof, and giving YOU a platform to get mentored.  There are so many areas that are of interest to people on this network.  And if you are like me, being coached or taking a  class helps me push myself to greater heights.

And this has everything to do with freedom.  Our liberty is being run by those with money and power and knowledge.  It is time we turn the tables and raise ourselves up, become better so that we have the people around us who can see the vision of the future, where people in  America and around the world are the humanitarians, philanthropists, and statesmen we need.  IT JUST MIGHT BE YOU!

PrintReady to take on your life?  Ready to take yourself or your business to the next level?  CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE to gain access to a FREE Video series on Financial Literacy.

Want to learn how to Consciously Create in your life?  CLICK HERE to learn more.

Want to schedule me to come and speak at an event?  CLICK HERE.

I am Jacqueline Smith.  I am all about liberty, freedom and abundance.  I am the change I wish to see in the world.   JOIN ME!

The Overton Window of Property Rights in America

Excellent article by Jared Wolfe in Beaver, Utah.

Beaver County STAR Forum

The Overton Window is a concept that describes a narrow window along the political spectrum that contains the ideas the public will accept. This window can be anywhere from total anarchy to total state control. Here in America I think our Overton Window of property rights is too close to the total state control end of the political spectrum. That probably doesn’t sit well with most people who think of themselves as staunch supporters of property rights. I am willing to bet that the perception of acceptable property rights for most Americans fall somewhere in the socialism section of the political spectrum.

I will present a scenario and you decide which person is the property owner, and which is not. “John” lives in a house on some property. He is free to make changes to the house or add additional buildings on the lot as long as he gets permission…

View original post 516 more words

Representative Government Does Not Mean Secret Government

There was a bill (HB 0362)  in the Utah House Operations Committee recently that had to do with transparency in the collective bargaining process.  We all want transparency, right?

Well, apparently not everyone.

I recently heard a clip sent to me by a concerned citizen in Wasatch County, Utah about their representative and what he said regarding transparency.  Kraig Powell, the current House Representative for District 54 is on record calling the tax-payers wimps, and comparing transparency in government to transparency in a private business.  BIG DIFFERENCE!

Here is a portion of his remarks.


I have typed out this Representative’s statements for ease of reading if you don’t have access to the audio, below my remarks.

The discussion is on a bill that would allow public access to meetings when discussing reform of public pensions or salaries.

Key points:

  •  A shareholder of a company and a tax-payer are two very different things.  If a shareholder is not happy with a company he simply sells his shares or votes out the CEO or board of directors.  If a tax payer isn’t happy, he can’t simply “sell” away his shares.  He is taxed involuntarily and cannot simply “opt out.”  Yes, he can vote out the current Representatives when unhappy, but taxation will always occur.  And a CEO would have a fit if labor were dictating to the CEO what their pay scale had to be.  This is why collective bargaining is often seen in a poor light.  Employees don’t call the shots.  It is the job of those footing the bills to call the shots.  In the case of CEO’s, it is the board and the shareholders.  In the case of the government, it is the elected representatives and the tax-payers.
  • A CEO who has shareholders must make sure that whatever they are creating  makes a profit.  Government doesn’t actually “create” anything, but uses our money to do the bidding of the tax-payers, and should not be doing the bidding of the employed.   Government employees  have a right to negotiate, but the tax-payers have a right to listen to the process.
  • To use the terms Republic and Democracy in the way Representative Powell used them, was a gross misrepresentation of what our founding fathers discussed.  He made some true statements, but misrepresent the bill, by making it sound like if the public attends the meeting, they get to vote.  Just because meetings are open and transparent does not give everyone a vote at the meeting.  It is still a representative government (A Republic).  It is only when each and every person has a VOTE that it becomes a Democracy.  That is not at all what this bill would have done.  It was simply to open up the process so that taxpayers could understand the bargaining that was taking place with “OUR” money.
  • Mr. Powell was very upset with me and others when we went to the tax-payers  and put forward a signature petition to stop a tax increase in Summit County.  He claimed we were trying to legislate through a democracy. (I called this petitioning   my government for redress). However, he feels getting signatures to put yourself on the Republican ballot somehow is not the same thing.  I think we can clearly see that Mr. Powell uses these terms to fit his agenda, not to discuss the actual principles behind the words.  For more information on a Republic vs. Democracy please click here .
  • My next point would be that people are busy, Mr. Powell.  We are not WIMPS as you called us.  There are so many meetings.  County Council meetings, no-wimps-signSchool Board Meetings, City Council Meetings, Planning Commission Meetings, Rec. District Meetings, and on and on.  There is no time for simple living anymore.  To keep up with all the bills the legislature puts forward is more than a full-time job.  This is why we have watchdog groups, like Utah Tax Payers Association, to watch the bills you vote on and give you a score.  (Which was about a 50% I believe.)   The “tax-payers” you chastise for not running for these positions simply want to attend their daughter’s piano recital, or coach their son’s baseball league.  They simply want to keep the fruits of their labor and be left alone to govern themselves.

As you listened to the audio, I’m sure there are other points you know I could make.  But it is left to you to decide.  The point of this article?  Know your representatives.  Learn what they are saying when they think the “public” isn’t paying attention.  You the tax-payer are not wimpy, you are busy.  You want to trust these people with your money and your liberty.  And maybe, sadly, you simply cannot.

I encourage you to vote for Wylder Smith, the person running for District 54, that simply wants to protect your money, protect your liberty, and allow you to govern yourself.


Transcript of audio:

 (Vice Chairman) “Representative Powell”

(Kraig Powell) “Thanks very much Mr. Vice Chair, I will try to be brief.  I have listened to the arguments, there are lots of good arguments on both sides.  What we do here in public policy and government is usually balancing, so anybody who is on one side of this issue, please don’t think you have the complete truth.  Um, we have to always find something somewhere in the middle.  This has been a policy in Utah for a long time as near as I can tell.  And what the Representative is proposing seems to be a major change.  In order to make a major change I think that there needs to be a major justification.

Here are the problems that I have with what has been proposed today.  First of all I think that the meetings will be unworkable.  Because there will be different sections of the meeting and will be continuing going in and out and in and out, and …well wait a minute that’s not salary, that’s not benefits.  Can we do that.. closed, … can we do that closed, I don’t know can we do that closed or not.


The analogy has been made that the taxpayers being as shareholders basically.  I don’t think that corporations and CEO’s bring shareholders to every meeting when they are setting the employee salaries.  In fact I think that the corporations and CEO’s would probably resist that.  The shareholders certainly have a voice in the corporation but they don’t negotiate the salaries and benefits of the employees in the corporation.


Next, there has been this discussion that somehow the taxpayers have some right to be there in the room at every minute of these negotiations.  What I want to remind the members of committee is our constitution set up a government form that’s called a Republic.  A Republic is different than a Democracy.  In a Democracy what you do is you get everybody and they come to all the meetings and they make all the decisions.  And our constitutional founders made a very specific decision not to have a democracy.  They thought there was some decisions that are better made by our elected representatives.  And that those are things the elected representatives need to make.


Basically, I think what’s happening in this instance is the taxpayers are wimps.  Taxpayers are not going to their local school boards and their not going to their city councils and getting elected to these bodies.  If there are decisions that are being made there what is wrong?  Why aren’t you going and stopping this from happening? I would suggest that you do that and go get elected there and make sure that these decisions that supposedly are not being made in the tax-payers interests.”


(Vice Chairman) “Representative, can I ask that you wrap up?”


(Kraig Powell)  “I will be very quick.  It’s a failing of our Democratic and Republican democracy system, not a failing of labor.  In fact one way to make sure you do that is make sure they are not taking any campaign contributions from these types of organizations.  I mean that is one of the biggest concerns right there.  Maybe that’s the problem,  I would make sure … try clean up the process.  And run for the offices yourself.


This is my last point Mr. Vice Chairman.


The legislature is in complete control of our cities, our counties, and our school districts. We pass laws all the time here that change everything that our school districts do.  We can pass a law and change the pensions, we could completely remove the pensions if we want to, so let’s just do that.  Rather then get involved in very sensitive meetings that are going on and are working well, that we could change if we wanted to.  Instead we are going to inject ourselves at the legislature.  I think the legislature is wimps as well.  If we are not passing the pension reform that we need to solve this problem and instead we say we are going to disrupt your meetings. For those reasons I just can’t support the bill.”


(Vice Chairman) “Thank you Representative, I didn’t realize your last point was going to be a planet instead of a dot.”




Poll: Would you vote for Sen. Mike Lee?

Hope many of you that want to stand with our Constitution, will also stand with Senator Lee, who has proven himself to be a target because he is taking a stand! VOTE NOW!