War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on …. Whatever

War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on …. Whatever

Photo credit Associated Press

Photo credit Associated Press

Society often creates wars on things they don’t want, like the “War on Drugs,” the “War on Poverty,” the “Fight Against Illiteracy,” the “War on Teenage Pregnancy,” etc.  Politics are rank with fighting, infighting, figure pointing, and nonsense.

How can any organization or individual proclaiming the desire for change create change, when they are really only focusing on what they don’t want.

While studying Wallace Wattles, The Science of Abundance,  written long before “The Secret” came about, there is a very good explanation about how people create more of what they don’t want when they give it their attention.

Things are not brought into being by thinking about their opposites.  Health is never to be attained by studying disease and thinking about disease; righteousness in not to be promoted by studying sin and thinking about sin; and no one ever got rich by studying poverty and thinking about poverty.

I recently received an email from a fellow 9-12er in another state.  Her goal was to create a rally against Radical Islam.  I thought about what I had been learning.  Her next email was that she didn’t receive many responses.  I certainly hadn’t responded to her idea.  But then I wrote to her.  I explained that if she wanted to create a rally, maybe she could focus on what she actually wants.  Muslims, Christians, Jews, etc standing for Peace.  Uniting instead of dividing.

I recognize that sometimes we have to call things by what they are, but often still focus the wrong direction to eliminate it.  When people focus on the issue instead of the principle, they do not solve problems.  When we looked at the Tytler Cycle earlier in this blog, we recognize that when people focus on the issues it keeps society on the wrong side of the cycle.  When we focus on the principles, we create faith, liberty, and abundance.

The World’s Terminology                      Abundance Terminology

Fight Against Illiteracy                                  Advancement of Wide-Spread Education

Educating Children to Compete                  Inspiring Children to Create

War on Drugs                                                  Creating an Emotionally Healthy Society

War on Teenage Pregnancy                         Empowerment of Virtuous Youth

War on Poverty                                               Teaching Abundance

War on Terror                                                 Spreading Principles of Liberty

Can the world really drive out what they don’t want by focusing on the problem?

In another post, we looked at the schools in my area teaching a class on “White Privilege.”  Read more about that here.  But to sum it up, we cannot teach children they are racist to eliminate racism.  We must teach children how to recognize friendship and similarities. To become inclusive through finding common ground.  By recognizing difference and finding beauty in them.

Recently Mia Love, of Utah, joined the Republican Black Caucus.  mia love black caucusI’m not sure what the point of that organization is except to say you are not allowed unless your skin color is black.  How dividing is that?  It isn’t based on anything except how you were born.  It is not on the content of your character but the color of your skin.  This is the polar opposite of what Martin Luther King Jr. stood for.  He didn’t stand “against” the white man.  He stood for ALL men to become better individuals, be judged for what they create and do, not their color of their skin.

light-beam-in-dark-roomLet’s look at what we know.  If you come into a dark room and switch on the light, the darkness is gone.  Can you bring darkness into a lit room?  Can you  extinguish light with darkness?  It only works ONE DIRECTION.  Light ALWAYS dispels the darkness.  Darkness is the absence of light.

As a proponent of liberty and abundance, my goal is to help those of us promoting liberty and abundance to focus on those things.  I have watched as many 9-12 groups, tea party groups, and political groups become negative.  They have stopped standing for principles of liberty, and they have begun fighting against this or that issue.  It will never have the result you want.

Liberty is spread by education.  Abundance is spread by the teaching of abundance principles. Wattles also stated,

The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself.  You can serve God and man in no more effective way than by…the creative method and not by the competitive one.

Change will occur in America when Americans have more to protect, and are not just fed and entertained (bread and circuses).  fishIt is time to raise our fellow-man by not giving them the fish, but teaching them how to make the net (or pole), find the best fishing hole, teach them to fish, and most importantly, teach them how to believe they deserve to catch as many fish as they desire.

If you would like to begin finding your abundance, please join me by being mentored by some of the best. Click here for the MENTOR WEBSITE!



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I am Jacqueline Smith.  I am all about liberty, freedom and abundance.  I am the change I wish to see in the world.  JOIN ME!



One Party in Utah? Hardly.


Many believe that Republicans dominate the state of Utah.  Well, that isn’t completely true.  Yes, every elected statewide official has an R behind their name, but that doesn’t mean we are a one party state.  Just look at the party.

Last Saturday at the Republican State Convention, the Count My Vote group (read Buy-my-Vote) wanted to change the Republican system.  This group is headed up by LaVarr Webb (big-money interest), Kirk Jowers (wanna-be candidate for something), former Republican Governor Mike Leavitt (Progressive), Dave Hansen (Former chair, Orrin Hatch and now Mia Love campaign manager), and touted on the air waves by Doug Wright (wanna-be candidate and Progressive).  http://www.deseretnews.com/article/765630111/Why-moderates-lost-the-caucus-vote.html

C4T3_LaVarrWebbkirk jowersmike leavittdave hansen


You see, there really are two parties in Utah, they just all exist under the name Republican.  It is true the Democrat Party is not getting a lot of traction in Utah, so that is not the other party I’m talking about.  However, there is the liberal, almost Democrat-wing of the Republican Party.  Then there is the Republican Party platform group, where most of the actual Republican Party resides.  The first group of Republicans are actually called Progressives.  Delegates, who represent the average Utah voter directly from a neighborhood meeting, would never elect them.  However, their name recognition, and their big special interest money could fool many in a primary.  They would never be elected with D behind their name, so here they are in the Republican Party.

Delegates may have aligned themselves from time to time with what they believed to be Republican values, and found out they were electing “progressive” Republicans.  When Utahns had finally had enough, the “secret” of the caucus was unveiled, and record attendance occurred.  Suddenly neighbors woke up and realized they did not have to wait for a primary, or the general election to “shape” the landscape in choosing candidates.  This is not about delegate power as many have professed, but about neighborhood responsibility.  As any delegate that has served will tell you, the system is different inside than it appears on the outside.  There is so much to learn about the candidates, and the real issues of the day.  The discussions are deep, and the integrity, honesty, and viability of a candidate are more easily accessed one on one, face to face.

candidateThe Count My Vote / Buy My Vote alternative is to rush things to a primary where people are elected on how many signs, billboards, radio and TV ads they can get out.  30-second sound bites, little catchy phrases, and worst of all some big name endorsement become the deciding factors in a primary.

Kirk Jowers calls our system antiquated.  While we can always do things to improve upon the system, these neighborhood meetings are vital to maintaining our Republic.  We are a Republic, after all, and NOT a Democracy, as is a common misconception.  He has compared himself to “George Washington” wanting to see delegates give up their power.  George must be rolling in his grave.  George Washington, along with all of the founding fathers recognized that the government closest to the people was the best.  How much closer can you get elections than a neighborhood meeting?


Saying we are not allowing many to participate is not true.  Most people can plan to be there.  Someone will always have SOMETHING that may override their desire to be there.  Yes, there will be young men and women on missions, and in military service.  Their service is valuable to their church, and to our country.  Moreover, they have a vote in the primary and the general election as an absentee ballot when the election is for someone that will actually affect policy.  Their vote is counted for elected governing officials.  Nevertheless, because they cannot attend the meeting, they will not be able to be involved in the discussion; they will not yet know the candidates that are running.  If we open the door in these simple and wonderful meetings to corruption through proxy voting or absentee voting, it will ruin the entire purpose of meeting with your neighbors to discuss the direction YOUR neighborhood would like to see the party move.  The Republican Party is a private organization.  If Count (Buy) My Vote want to control the outcome, they should get elected in their neighborhoods, or start their own organization.

You have heard the accusation that more involvement is needed.  We have had record turnout at the neighborhood meetings for the last 4 years.   This is a red herring.  Turnout is not the real issue.  Control of the party is.  It is hard to control so many engaged neighbors who are electing someone to represent them, and study out the issues, and the candidates in depth.  It is much easier to control the masses with a primary.  The “old-guard” of the Republican Party is not happy with their results, so they want to change the game.  I would love to see more involved.  And I plan to continue to educate people so they can be more involved in the process.  But, apathy will continue until voters decide to not be apathetic.  Changing the system will not change apathy.

Last point, this has nothing to do with any “tea-party” or any other Washington DC group controlling Utah.  This is about Utah values.  This is about Utahns standing up for those values.  It’s about more Utahns reading the Republican Party platform and recognizing its absolute beauty, and then scratching their head and saying, “Why doesn’t my Republican representative stick to the platform?”  It’s about average Utah Republicans taking back control of their own party from the Progressives.

The system works, for incumbents and challengers alike.  The system produces good candidates.  That is why the Progressives want to change it.

The Constitution Hanging by a Thread?

It has been a long time since I have posted anything.  However, today is the first day of a New Year.  We have so much to be grateful for in this country, but we also have much to be wary of as well.  Today, a bill (HR 1540) goes into effect.  This is the NDAA or National Defense Authorization Act.  This one bill is over 500 pages, and quietly passed into law.  Click here for a link to the bill.

This is anything but an exhaustive article, but I want to hit a few points, so take the time to read this briefly and then dig deep and find your own answers. 

Today, I would dare say, our Constitution hangs by a thread.  I am reminded of the phrase attributed to Martin Niemöller,

“First they came for the communists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.  Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.  Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew.  Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.” 

This statement was first published in 1955 in a book called, They Thought They Were Free.  How many Americans watched the ball drop, celebrated with friends, played games and got drunk last night, and thought they were free?  I know that I enjoyed the night with family and friends alike.  However, I have no illusion that I am as free today as I was yesterday.  I still live in the greatest country on earth.  I still have more freedoms than most people have ever had, but they are dwindling quickly, and I am watching.

, member of the United States House of Represe...
Image via Wikipedia

I belong to many different “groups” on Facebook.  There are many disccusions…usually trivial and meaningless, but sometimes the debates are very interesting.  I am saddened by the educational dead zone that exists.  Yes, many know some facts, and many know the rhetoric on the left and on the right, but many are blind to the duplication of history that is being performed right before their eyes.  At least, some of them.  They trust their government.  They trust that human nature “could never” do something like happened to the Jews during WWII.  But it has begun, in the same manner as it did then, and many other times in history.  You remember the saying, those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  One of our Utah Representatives, Rob Bishop, was a history teacher.  Has he forgotten the lessons he taught?  Because it appears he saw no problem with this bill. 

Let’s not repeat history, let’s make history.  Let’s be the first nation in the history of the world to not fall into tyranny, but liberate ourselves once again the individuals in America from a tyrannical Federal Government, that believe our rights as American citizens can be tossed aside for a little safety.  We do this not by violent measures, but by a strong state government that is unwilling to allow the Federal government to overreach its jurisdiction within our state.

I am not a Rachel Maddow fan, but this clip illustrates that this is not a left / right issue, but an issue of civil liberties that should alarm all of us.  It is not R’s vs. D’s.  It is us (the people) against the tyranny of a much-too-large Federal government and it’s overreaching powers and authority.  The blame I place is not on the Democrats, because the Republicans control the House.  It does not sit entirely on Obama’s shoulders, however, he signed it without a veto as he should have. 


You can see how your House representatives voted click HERE.  Three of Utah’s representatives (Jim Mattheson –D , Rob Bishop –R , and Orrin Hatch of the Senate – R) decided your rights as an American citizen no longer deserved the protection granted in the Bill of Rights.  What does the Oath of Office mean to people?  Does it mean anything?  Do they understand they are not there to protect us from would-be crimes, but to protect our rights and liberties?  How long will the people of Utah allow their representatives to disregard their oath?   We have many Republicans running against Jim Mattheson in the 4th district including two of my favorites, Carl Wimmer and Mia Love.  We have a few candidates considering Orrin Hatch be “called home” namely Dan Liljenquist and Chris Herrod.  Also, Tim Aalders has talked about running, but is not official as of late.  But who is challenging Rob Bishop?  No one!  Really?  He goes unchallenged, and that causes me to believe Utah is fast asleep at the wheel, or they think Rob unbeatable.

Montana is doing something about this, and I hope Utah will join in the fight with them.  It’s time to re-call these men for violating their oath.  See the Montana article HERE.  But in order to be like Montana, we will need a very strong governor that will push hard against the Federal government. So far, Gary Herbert hasn’t been that guy.  Our individual liberty demands that our state sovereignty be strengthened.  We have a few candidates that have stepped up to run against Utah’s governor, namely Morgan Philpot and Ken Sumsion.

I’ve had people say to me, “Come on this will never affect YOU.”  Well, this bill, hasn’t had time yet, but it’s predecessor, The Patriot Act already has.  Rachel Maddow brings up the movie “The Minority Report.”  Please read my post on that subject here called Guilty until Proven Innocent.  For I have felt the sting of The Patriot Act myself, and wonder what would possess my Federal Government to suddenly see me, a mother of five, as a terrorist?  And yet, I was questioned because of the Patriot Act as if I was one.  If I have no right to trial, no right to a lawyer, no right to even know my charges, then what hope would I ever have of liberty or freedom in this once great country? 

Do you see how slippery the slope is when we trade essential liberty for a little temporary safety?  In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “we will have neither, and deserve neither.”

Other articles you may like peruse from Forbes and the ACLU and a few that talk about why this is a very real threat: 






Since this was published, Ron Paul has asked for section 1021 to be repealed….