Where are the Washingtons?

Many of my followers are not necessarily Glenn Beck fans, but recently Glenn Beck said something on his radio show that I would like to share with you.  His words represent the direction I have wanted this 9.12 project The STAR Forum to turn.  We must be educated to win.  We must change our very lives and decide we are willing to make sacrifices so that our children and grandchildren can live under freedom.  We must receive a liberal arts education.

Those that know me are aware that this has always been my goal.  While the politics of this movement can be exciting and interesting, and important, we must not forget the things that will change our society from the bottom up.  We must begin educating ourselves and our families, changing the way schools teach, and how they prepare our children for the world we live in.  Skills will never be enough.  We must have amazing young men and women of real character. We have been raised ourselves in a society that has not taught us to think sensus plenior, we have not learned to look to the great minds of the past that our founders studied.  We are in a 4th Turning, and honestly time is running out.  What an exciting and important time to live in.  We will only make a difference if we are educated.  This education can come many ways, but I have one solution, that although costs money, will not break the bank.  I have invited Dr. Shanon Brooks, who holds a PhD in Constitutional Law to begin to mentor us through a series of lectures beginning on June 26, 2010.  We only have room for 50 students.  This first of 5 lectures will open our minds and begin the process of all of us thinking on a different level.

To find out more about the Foundations of Liberty Seminar #1 , click here.

Here is the message from Glenn Beck:

May 10, 2010 – 15:29 ET   

GLENN: I’m going to say some things here that are not going to be for everybody, and that’s fine. And if it means that I shake some listeners loose, that’s fine. I’m charting my own course and I am trying to, I’m trying my hardest to preserve the voice of — or a voice of man a’s freedom, individual freedom for as long as possible. And I’m also trying to create other voices that understand the difference between individual freedom, individual rights and human rights. There are two kinds of rights and they are both important. But I’m going to chart a different course than others. Others are going to say get involved in politics and everything else. And while I think that I don’t have any problem with that, not a lot of people have been doing as much research as I have for the last five years. And a lot of people, I mean, everybody has gotten this wrong every step of the way. They’ve had pieces of it here and there but I don’t know anybody that has had the majority of pieces. We have.

This, I don’t even know what you would call it. This plan, this hijacking of our country. It didn’t start with Obama. It’s not about Obama. It’s not. This started a long, long time ago. And you are much farther behind than you think you are. I know. The only thing that gives me peace and comfort is I know what this land is. I know whose rights these are. No sword formed against thee shall prosper. He will destroy the devourer, not you. Not me. For our sake those who want to devour man’s individual rights will be destroyed. My guess is they will destroy themselves. It’s the way it always happens. These people are radicals. They are not rulers. However, I will tell you this, Cass Sunstein is the man that is wildly important. Because I see his fingerprints on almost everything now. So here’s my recommendation. The 9/12 project started a year and a half ago. I haven’t talked much about it because I don’t do anything with it myself. I mean, I’m not — I’m a proud 9/12er but I’m not involved in running it or anything else. This was yours. I will advise the 9/12 group, double your efforts. Get more people into the 9/12 project. Tea parties, while you play a valuable role, be very careful because you are not rooted in values and principles. What are your charting values and principles? 9/12 members, if you are not studying the values and principles and the founding fathers, it was set up as something different. It wasn’t a tea party. It wasn’t a political action committee. It was a preservation committee. As I saw it, it was a way for people to get together and learn and teach each other what values and principles were important. This is important because just like any kind of rights movement, there will be others just like with Martin Luther King, there was Malcolm X, there was William Ayers. Only one succeeded. People are going to be going through — when Europe begins to fall and you are seeing the very beginnings of it now, when Europe falls, the thing will come down, crashing down quickly and people are going to be herded into one direction. And it’s going to be a global direction. You need to be values and principles. You need to teach your children. You must see yourself — how many years have I said this? Wives, mothers, you must see yourself as Sarah Connor. You must. As Ronald Reagan said, if this country falls, where does the rest of the world go for freedom? But he also said this: This is the last stand. On the globe this is the last stand. And if this generation loses man’s freedom, this generation will not see it again.

I just read a letter from Thomas Jefferson, between Thomas Jefferson and James — or John Adams, 1823. I read it this morning. In it Thomas Jefferson said, if they lose freedom — speaking of us, future generations, if they lose freedom, there will be rivers of blood back and forth, back and forth. There will be a first attempt and a second attempt and a third attempt. And maybe after the third attempt they will win it back again. You must see yourself as a guardian, as someone who will preserve what is true and pass it on and not be a guardian — not be a militant but a guardian. A leader. Where are the — there are plenty of minutemen. Where are the Washingtons? Where are the Franklins? Where is Sam Adams? Where is John Adams? That is what the 9/12 project is. Not to create a warrior but to create great minds that understand it. To be able to create the next George Washington. That is your role. It may not be you. Find them. Teach them. Guide them. Shape them. Live principles and values. Almost no one in this country is.

The next step, you must know ten people. You must know ten people out of your circle of friends in your area that think like you do. Know them. This Internet nonsense of a public utility and this speech that the president gave over the weekend is positively chilling, especially if you couple it with the knowledge that we have been trying to impart to you for the last year and a half about what they are doing with the Internet and control of language and control of — I’ll show you tonight at 5:00. It is positively horrifying. You say it can’t happen in America. I hope to God it can’t. But it might. It could. All they need is an emergency. Know ten people because those ten people know other ten people. There’s got to be lines of information. If they control everything, you must have lines of communication. But God, I can’t believe I’m saying this stuff. This is the territory of the insane. But you better prepare and then hope for the best. You must prepare a freedom library. You must have the books on paper, have them on paper. You must have the books that are essential. You must have the Federalist Papers, the Constitution, original intent. The 5,000 Year Leap, please, if you haven’t gotten that yet, please get that. You must know, if you are working on the Internet and you see something, don’t just e mail it. Screen shot it. Pull it off. Put it onto a DVD. Save it. I can’t tell you the number of things that we have gone back and they have scrubbed. Things are disappearing like you would not believe. Learn the truth. Live the life of our founders. Be a decent, righteous, forthright honest man or woman in all of your business dealings. Demand it of yourself. Demand a higher standard for your children and do it now. Your children need to know. Your children must be prepared. Your children need to know what is true, what is not, how to work, what merit is. And here’s the part that is going to seem so simple and everybody’s going to say no, it’s better to organize, it’s better to, you know, get behind a candidate. Look, you’ve got to do that, too. When Moses was out in the wilderness, my gosh did the Israelites just, they were constantly complaining, “It’s hot, I’m cold, are we there yet,” over and over and over again. And Moses got to the point to where he was like, okay, you know, God, just kill me, just kill me, I can’t do it anymore with these people. When are you going to do it? Because just kill me, I can’t take it anymore. God didn’t. At some point God was like, I’m sending snakes or scorpions, I’m sending fiery, fiery snakes, man, just kill you all; I can’t take it anymore. He told Moses, put one, put a symbol of one up on a stick and tell everybody to look at it. They will be fine if they just look at it. A lot of them died because they didn’t look at it. It’s too easy, doesn’t make sense. What is the message? The message is look to God and live. Look to God and live. Please, please. It’s not you and me. It’s our children. It’s man’s freedom. Look to God to live.

Canadian turned U.S. Citizen Gives Words to Her Fellow-Americans

by: Karen Mecham 

When I first came to the States from Canada, I realized Americans had a strength I wanted to cultivate. Then I realized it was so ingrained in each person that few even knew they had it. I think, today, it’s the best kept secret in the nation. So for your information, here it is:

You can only push Americans so far, then they push back HARD!!!!
If you don’t believe me, here are some instances that will convince you.
Remember the Alamo?
Remember Pearl Harbor?
Remember 9-11?
So I say to all who will hear: 

Remember who you are!  It’s time to fight for the right.  Demand honesty and integrity from our leaders — no matter which party they represent.  Demand fairness and integrity from Corporate America.
It’s time to haul out our pioneer values, dust them off, practice them ourselves, and expect them from everyone else.
If you want more regulation — start regulating yourself first!
If you don’t buy higher interest rates — they’ll come down.
If you demand fairer gas prices and speak up at the pump to the distributors — prices will come down.
Stop being the silent majority — Act and speak. You have the power. When you speak with your purchasing dollars and your vote, they will listen.
Get out of debt! And stay out!
As they said in the Great Depression:
Use it up
Wear it out
Make it do
Or do without
It’s time to push back —–Hard.


Karen E. Mecham, BA, MPA

Company: Karen E. Mecham & Associates

Web site: www.upfromtheashes.com

Expert Areas: Goal Setting, Financial Literacy, Mentoring at-risk employees, Marketing your Customer, Motivation, and Self-reliance.

Description: Karen specializes in how to “take the rules and fly with them.” Her keynote addresses, “Take Charge” and “The Sky is Not the Limit” motivate attendees to focus their dreams into goals and maximize their efforts by accomplishing small steps daily. Her ability to connect with and relate to her audience is her key to teaching the skills needed to become successful.


Karen began her business career as a single mom with half a college degree, five children, and no way to make a living. After completing two degrees, she co-founded a community based mentoring program. Under her seven years of leadership as executive director, the mentoring program spread across Utah and into Arizona.

She received several awards for her innovative approach to empowering single mothers and others to bring their families out of poverty and move ahead to permanent financial stability. These awards include the Governors Commission for Women and Families Woman of Achievement Award, the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce Pathfinder Award, the Salt Lake Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners’ Rising Star Award.

Today, Karen is the managing member of Karen E. Mecham & Associates. She works with businesses to reduce tardiness and absenteeism by teaching self-reliance skills to employees. She also teaches management-level staff how to use mentoring techniques to develop team building skills. Additionally, Karen custom designs self-reliance programs for nonprofit agencies.

Utah Senate Race Down to the Wire

Mike Lee with his wife Sharon


The Utah Senate race is down to the wire.  The top contenders appear to be Mike Lee and Tim Bridgewater.  An amazing thing has happened in this race.  For the first time ever in my lifetime, I am hearing Republicans speak out against a businessman in favor of an attorney.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not endorsing Tim Bridgewater or Mike Lee with this article, because I already said I would not be endorsing anyone in the Senate race, but this has been an interesting turn of events.

Tim Bridgewater with The Tea Party Express

My father is a businessman.  He makes his living in the plumbing business.  There are times when he will go after government contracts because the money is so good.  It is obvious government “anything” whether it is a job or a project has more money involved then the private sector.  He hates having to wade through all the extra paperwork and extra strings that are always attached to this type of work, but if it benefits his company, and benefits his employees, as long as he is honest in his work there is no conflict.  What’s more, because he is a generous man, he then feeds this money back into the private sector through charitable donations, purchases, and raising the standard of living for his employees who also put money back into the economy.  He pays union wages even though his company is non-union.  More good happens when government money is put back into the hands of the private sector.  It would be great if the government never did most of these projects and spent our money to begin with, but it does happen.

So, here we are in the middle of a U.S. Senate race, and many people are blasting Tim Bridgewater for being a businessman.  Now, I would expect that from the left because, “If you haven’t been to Columbia, well, then what business do you have even thinking of taking office.”  However, from the Republican Party this has been quite a shock.  I have never seen such an attack on someone from the business sector ever before.

Republicans usually take great pride in saying, we are the working man, that understands business, that have run businesses, and we can bring Washington back to it’s knees by running it like a business, rather than with an open tap with no end in sight to funding.  Businesses and households cannot be run indefinitely in the red, and businessmen have a tendency to look at the ridiculous spending in Washington and want to cut the waste.  This has been one reason most of the administrations of the Republican Party are filled with working men that have been successful in their businesses, not just lawyers and professors.

Tim Bridgewater comes to this race with much business experience, and I have been surprised by the dismissal given him for his experience that in other races would put him in the top position.  Tim Bridgewater should not be removed in anyone’s mind for his business associations.  Many of the allegations on Tim’s business practices can be easily refuted with very little effort.  He is a good candidate and he is someone who gets things done.

Because of the nature of the problems in this country, Mike Lee, with his Constitutional law background gives a unique perspective to this race as well.   Let’s face it, few are excited about another lawyer in DC, but if there is going to be a lawyer back there, you would want it to be one that understands the Constitution from a Judeo / Christian worldview.  Mike Lee is a good candidate, too.  Some people say he will get nothing done.  Sometimes that sounds pretty good to me, as Washington getting nothing done, would mean they weren’t messing in my affairs either.

All will be decided on May 8th, unless of course, the people must choose between one of these two in a primary, which is not completely out of the question.

Do Schools Kill Creativity?

By Jacqueline Smith  


Our education system in America must change.  We continue to tax the people to school our children in a broken, progressive, socialistic system.  I love education, and I love all the children in this great country, but an unsustainable system that is not producing the results we need in our country must end, and a new system emerge, or more accurately re-emerge.  

Dr. Brooks

I recently attended a wonderful event called ReValue America.  This class was taught by Dr. Shanon Brooks of Face to Face with Greatness, and hosted by Chad & Christy Watterson.  Because I have known Dr. Brooks for some time, the information was not unfamiliar but reminded me of the path I must take in order to put the values, the culture, the Americanism back into the heart of our country.  And it begins with a different type of education for the whole family.   

We school our children in literacy and skills.  We want them to have good jobs.  But we have killed their creativity.  We have thwarted the genius that all children have within, by saying they must have these skills, or those skills, without any core values, without a sense of the virtues that keep our country headed the right direction.  Throwing good money after a bad system will not fix our problems.  (School Equalization is just a bad bandage to a bleeding artery, that pulls at the heart-strings, but is not the solution.)  Money does not make children’s test scores increase.  It has been proven that our rate of return for our dollar is not very high, especially in areas like Detroit, but even in Utah we are only seeing about a 67% ROI.  (67 out of 100 children graduate)  So what happened?  Are the teachers that horrible, are the classes that under-funded?  No.  We have lost our culture over the last 80 years in America, and we must get our culture back.  Attending this class and implementing a new way of thinking and a new lifestyle of education will be the greatest impact on liberty.  I call upon 9.12 groups, tea party groups, and all other liberty-loving groups to schedule this event.  If we are going to be the ones that bring liberty back to our country, we better understand more than just the founders writings, but what the founders were reading for a decade before they became founders.  We will need an understanding much richer than anything we have received to date.  

The Fourth Turning is upon us, and our time is limited.  In order to have the type of impact on our society that great leaders of the past have had on their time, we must be educated in human nature, forms of government, family and society.  We must have public virtue being exemplified in our society again, and being taught to our children.  We must understand what it takes and begin getting a liberal arts education.  (Don’t worry, that will not make you a liberal in political terms.)  I discussed this on capitol hill at the Tax Day Tea Party Rally.  

I don’t have the answers, but I know that together we can find the answers, if we are educated.  We have an amazing group of people who have created a strong coalition with Utah Rising, but our efforts must not be lost by focusing only in the political arena.  Glenn Beck has it right when he discusses the 9 Principles and 12 Values.  We must focus on bringing that type of thinking back into the forefront of our country.  

If you live in the Utah area, and you are interested in attending one of these classes, I ask that you send us an email, so we can keep you on a list until our class is put on the schedule.   

I have had this video for a while, but I thought it appropriate with this article.  Enjoy.