Christy Watterson

Christy is a wonderful woman who cares deeply for the survival of her country.  She grew up in a family passionate about history.  As she watched the advent of history repeating itself through the cycles she learned, she recognized the need for activism on a local level to change our nation.  She is wife to Chad Watterson, and mother to 3 beautiful boys, whom she homeschools.  She is the co-Founder of The STAR Forum.

5 thoughts on “Christy Watterson

  1. Pingback: Do Schools Kill Creativity? « The S.T.A.R. Forum

  2. Pingback: Are You a Madison, Jefferson, Ghandi or Mother Teresa? « The S.T.A.R. Forum

  3. Pingback: Pledge Your Life, Fortune, and Sacred Honor? « The S.T.A.R. Forum

  4. Pingback: What Can You Do to Restore Liberty? « The S.T.A.R. Forum

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