CYCLES CLASS ON ZOOM – April 11, 2020 7:00 pm Mountain Time – ONLINE!

101 years later, we are experiencing very similar circumstances to the 1919 pandemic. But what is really going on? No conspiracy theory here, although I look into them, and find some truth, but honestly, where are we, and where are we headed? What, if anything, can we do?

We will be taking a look back at the other 4th Turnings in history and do a deep dive into the just the CRISIS portion of that history. We will extrapolate together, based on history, the liklihood of the pending outcome.

JOIN US LIVE ON A ZOOM. 100 people can attend live. We will record it for future watching if you don’t make it on.

We are excited by this time in history. There is a reason. JOIN US!


2 thoughts on “CYCLES CLASS ON ZOOM – April 11, 2020 7:00 pm Mountain Time – ONLINE!

  1. Oh no, I was so excited to join this mtg and then I totally forgot with all the bedtime rush and preparing for Easter. I totally want to watch the video. Thanks for doing this. I’ve been thinking about the 4th Turning a lot lately.


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