The Fourth Turning — In a Nutshell


Based on the book “The Fourth Turning” by Strauss & Howe

And speeches by Dr. Oliver DeMille

by Jacqueline Smith


Every 80 to 120 years (a saeculum) society goes through 4 phases.  Just like the weather. 

1)     We have a Spring, or founding period. 

2)     We have a Summer, or awakening period. 

3)     We have a Fall, or unraveling period.

There is always a catalyst to push you from a 3rd turning to a 4th.

4)     We have a Winter, or crisis period.

Now, you don’t have to take my word for it.  Just go back through history, say 300 generations, or the last 3,000 years and see for yourself.  It has not missed.  However, for the first time in history most of the world is on the same part of the cycle at the same time.

To give you a quick look at the cycle through the eyes of American history, let’s go through this saeculum four (4) times.


The Age of Kings.  The European Empire was expanding.



The Great Awakening.  Spritual rivival occurred and man began to disbelieve in the divine right of Kings.



French and Indian War, and English and French War, continued breakdown of society.



Boston Tea Party / Boston Masacre



U.S. Revolutionary War, Constitutional Convention






New Government formed based on self-rule.  Federalism



Transendental Awakening.  New churches formed, faith questioned.  Joseph Smith restores LDS church.



Dred Scott case occurs.  North & South friction continues



Election of Abraham Lincoln



Civil War.  One of the shortest cycles






Nationalism begins (not a great founding) Reconstruction



Progressivism begins.  Dewey & Marx read



WWI – The roaring 20’s, morality slides



Stock Market Crash in Oct 1929



Depression, bread lines.  WWII brings us out.






Global reconstruction (again, not a great founding)  GATT, NATO, U.N. Bretton Woods Meetings, IMF



From Hippies to Yuppies  We go from Leave it to Beaver, all the way to Friends on TV.



Post modernist thinking emerges.  Allegiance is to ME.  Curcumstantial Morality & Situational Ethics.






Economic Crisis —- and then????


You will notice that most of the time in history these turnings last about 20 to 25 years.  So now you can see it, but what do you do?  It is easy to see that we are in it, the Winter of our Discontent, so to speak.  Do you know what to do in a Fourth Turning?  Do you know how to change your thinking and your life to be a positive catalyst for the change you want to see?  For 14 Points to Survive in a Fourth Turning click here.


 The 4th Turning has many aspects to it as well, but we’ll save that for a future post.  Suffice it to say, the 4th turning is when the greatest changes can happen.  But you must be educated in what freedom looks like.  You must have the tools (books) and know how to use them to create freedom around you. 


It will take courage.  It will take determination.  It will probably take a miracle or two.  Nevertheless, as in times past, Providence has been on the side of freedom.


For the next post on this subject click here and take a closer look at just the Winter or Crisis in this turning.  Ask questions and comment on this post.  We are all in this together.  FREEDOM CAN WIN!

Glenn Beck is coming to Salt Lake City on May 30


Join Glenn Beck at the Capitol for an amazing Black Tie event.  Glenn is receiving the Statesman of the Year award.  Other members of The S.T.A.R. Forum will be there as well.  Click on the picture above to hear Glenn’s invitation.

Video based on The 5,000 Year Leap

Read all 28 Principles of Liberty by clicking here.

3 Things We Need for Freedom to Win

by Jacqueline Smith


The S.T.A.R. Forum is here to help educate and advocate the cause of liberty.  We will be launching chapters of The S.T.A.R. Forum in as many states as possible to spread the word of Constitutional Freedom through education and advocacy of constitutional principles.  This site is dedicated to standing by principles more than issues.  Issues will resolve themselves as we move toward a principle centered people.


Oliver DeMille, founder of George Wythe University, stated there are 3 things needed for freedom to win:


  1. Wide spread sensus plenior thinking  – Latin word for multiple meaning.  Fuller meaning.  We have been taught that we need to be sensus solum. (single meaning).  We’ve been taught to learn something for the right answer, the correct answer, the only answer.  It’s only one way to learn.  You can’t be limited in that learning or society becomes limited, and freedom fails.  American founders were taught to think sensus plenior and sensus solum.  They learned sensus plenior FIRST.   Poetry first.  Bible, Shakespeare, etc. before they learned Montesquieu and Locke.  We teach sensus solum first, and then expect sensus plenior, and then grade sensus solum.


When you read about how the name of The S.T.A.R. Forum was created, it was sensus plenior thinking.  It’s a stretch, and that’s good.  We need more of that thinking in our populous.  We need 70 million people thinking that way.  That’s right, I said 70 million.  Can you help spread sensus plenior in your neck of the woods?  If so, email us here, and I will help you set up a chapter in your area.  Then you will be a S.T.A.R. as well, and able to change the course of this great country.


  1. Mini-factories – A single person or small group of people doing something as good or better than the big industries.  This may be a business for profit, or a business that fulfills a social need. This creates freedom.


We need 7 million of these things in our country so freedom can win.  Be one of these.  Learn about what this looks like.  Read books like The E-Myth Revisited emyth, Tribes tribes, Launching a Leadership Revolution launching-leadership-revolution, and The 8th Habit.8th-habit


  1. 700 Leaders – We will need 700 real leaders with the education and influence to move our nation.  These will be of the quality of leadership of Ghandi, Mother Teresa, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, etc.  True leaders who move the cause of liberty forward.


This one is the hardest.  But if it’s your mission to do it, then do it.  Get a superb leadership education.  Maybe you need a PhD in Constitutional Law.   There is a Distance Program that will give it to you, with a lot of hard work.  As a student of George Wythe University myself, these are the hardest, most rewarding, and most transformational classes I’ve ever attended.  FREEDOM CAN WIN!

Democracy vs. Republic

Watch this 10 minute video…..with your kids…..and you’ll understand the difference between a democracy and a republic.

A S.T.A.R is born – Save The American Republic

The political world seems to be in upheaval.  An alignment is taking place.  The blog is here to help form that alignment.  Websites and links will be forthcoming.  Read all about how we came up with the name here. 

We are headed toward a social aristocracy, and the group of people behind this blog are ready to educate and advocate the cause of liberty.  Freedom can win.  It’s time to get educated.  We can all do our part by learning the principles of freedom. 

How?  Start by subscribing to this blog, and then go and get a copy of  “The 5,000 Year Leap” by Cleon Skousen.  Now read it.  This blog will be discussing the principles of liberty and what we can do as individuals, families, and communities to save the Republic we love.

Jacqueline Smith