I Have Quietly Watched this Unfold … and now must speak! Part 1

I Have Quietly Watched this Unfold … and now must speak! Part 1

While COVID-19 has unfolded I have mostly, quietly watched.  I have listened to all sides, and I have looked back on history.  The Fourth Turning has a climax.  This is the beginning of it.  We will have economic and social impact from this single event that will impact our lives, our economy and our freedom worldwide.

This blog has sat silent for years, because I walked away from the negativity of politics and totally changed my profession. I became involved in the manufacturing of food.  My company was one of the first affected when the biggest expos, Natural Foods Expo West,

was shut down in Aneheim on March 3, voluntarily and not by government madate.  With tens of thousands of dollars put into this event by our company and having it cancel the day we arrived from Utah, needless to say, it was quite a disappointment.  So we did what most Americans would do …. we went to Disneyland.

We were not afraid, and felt good about spending time with our family since our plans had changed and we already had hotels booked and paid for.

We came home and got busy revising our outreach program for our company so we could still have growth in 2020.  And then things just kept getting worse.

I am an eternal optimist.  I try and find a silver lining in everthing.  I watched this video, and I kept trying to decide “is it good or is it bad” that the event was cancelled?  Financially it didn’t seem like it, but I’m trying to see a bigger picture.

I didn’t freak out. I didn’t go to Costco and buy 5 cases of toilet paper. I didn’t even go to the grocery store for 2 weeks. We had enough and everyone was starting to freak out. I thought, “This should pass, and people will come back to their senses.” I was wrong. I was sad. Instead of being a people that govern themselves, I watched people hoarding, and panicking, and becoming totally selfish. Then what happens? Governments step in, and freedom detriorates quickly.

I found myself having a minor panic attack one day, changing a roll of toilet paper, and decided to head to the stores, while my husband purchased a bidet seat. (Benefits of being married to a plumber)

What I found was shocking. This isn’t new to anyone by now, but wanted to share for context.

Following this, Utah and then Idaho experienced earthquakes.

So where do we go from here? What can we expect, and how do we stay positive and move forward, creating, like we’ve been sharing for decades, to create a NEW FOUNDING. And what does that look like? Who are the leaders? Do we capitulate to the government oversears, or be responsible citizens that can govern ourselves?

I’m not here to say you should or shouldn’t social distance, I’m not here to say I am buying into the media hype, (even though I am not.) I’m here to offer some perspective based on history about where we are in the cycle known as The Kondratiev Wave, specifically The Fourth Turning. This is real, and the consequences are real. But fear is the biggest enemy of all. Fear drives markets, governments, and people into panic buying, and panic restrictions. Do not be afraid. Get self sufficient. Pray for those who are alone or away from their families, or who really are at risk.

For those of you new to this blog, I invite you to back up and read all about the blog posts relating to The Fourth Turning. I will be announcing an online event as well, so we can review The Fourth Turning together in the comfort of our homes while social distancing continues. And here is another blog post to read taking a closer look at the Fourth Turning.

Since these original posts were written decades ago, the timeline looks a bit different since most scholars believe 2008 was the catalyst, and not 2001. So add 7 years to every other part of the cycle, and it puts the Climax at 2020 without a hitch.

This is the beginning of the CLIMAX of the Fourth Turning. If you aren’t prepared mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically, it may be a bit harder but not impossible to be ready. Don’t panic. Just get prepared for the days, weeks, months and years of the coming CLIMAX. They generally last between 5-7 years historically.

I invite all who are looking for a message of peace in these troubled times to tune in to a public broadcast beginning tomorrow and running through Sunday of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints General Conference.

Stay Tuned!!! I will be doing an online event shortly. Mark this blog and sign up for the newsletter. This will be an online 2 hour class looking at the Fourth Turning in depth.

Economics in One Lesson

The STAR Forum is going to have a guest speaker come and speak on Austrian Economics just after the election in November.  Please obtain this book and read it.  Even if you cannot attend our meetings, buy the book and read it so you may have a better understanding of Austrian Economics, and stop the Keynesian nightmare that is our United States Economic system.  Click on the book above to purchase.