The Overton Window of Property Rights in America

Excellent article by Jared Wolfe in Beaver, Utah.

Beaver County STAR Forum

The Overton Window is a concept that describes a narrow window along the political spectrum that contains the ideas the public will accept. This window can be anywhere from total anarchy to total state control. Here in America I think our Overton Window of property rights is too close to the total state control end of the political spectrum. That probably doesn’t sit well with most people who think of themselves as staunch supporters of property rights. I am willing to bet that the perception of acceptable property rights for most Americans fall somewhere in the socialism section of the political spectrum.

I will present a scenario and you decide which person is the property owner, and which is not. “John” lives in a house on some property. He is free to make changes to the house or add additional buildings on the lot as long as he gets permission…

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Schooling Gets in the Way of Education

The country has sent their children back to school. But many have not. Things like Common Core are getting many people to re-think education. FINALLY!

mark twain
Education happens every day, all day long. Schooling, as Mark Twain once said, can get in the way of education.

Don’t forget why we are educating our children. It isn’t because we want them to grow up and be rocket scientists, it is because we want them to be happy productive adults.

I wanted to share a video from Ted Talks, that I think fits well into what more and more homeschooling is doing. It is creating passionate people, with a desire to be happy, and who then can go out into the world and create freedom.

There is a great “Not Back To School Summit” that is free for anyone to attend on-line during September 2014. I will be teaching 3 classes. Today, Sept 9 at 7:30 p.m. (Mountain Standard Time), Saturday Sept 20 at 10:00 a.m. and Thursday Sept 25th. Each class is different. There are many other people involved, including one of my mentors Oliver DeMille.

Come join us this month. HERE —