A Closer Look at the Fourth Turning

Time for a closer look at the 4th phase – The Winter, or Crisis.

by Jacqueline Smith

 Our previous article (found here) explained a brief overview of a cycle in history known as a saeculum.  This 80 – 120 year period in history is made up of four (4) separate turnings.  Each of these turnings last on average 20 – 25 years.  We are now going to take a quick look at the types of people born in these turnings, and then take a closer look at just the Fourth Turning, since that is the one we are currently in.  We will also look ahead to a new founding.  What kind of founding?  That will be determined by the people of this great country during the next ten (10) or so years. 

Let’s begin with a look at archetypes.  During each phase an archetype of sorts is born.  In general, these types of people will be born, but remember there are always exceptions.


  • 1st Phase, or Founding  – Prophet  (they see what’s coming)
  • 2nd Phase or Awakening – Nomads (they don’t fit in, move a lot, change jobs)
  • 3rd Phase or Unraveling – Heroes (take the hard path, and fight the fight)
  • 4th Phase or Crisis – Artists (see the world as wonderful or horrible and express their views through a variety of mediums.)


Each archetype affects change in the next two phases following, when they are old enough to make a difference.  If you want to know which archetype you and your friends fit into, go to the previous article “The Fourth Turning – In a Nutshell” and find the year you were born.

Here is a breakdown of just one historical 4th turning in American history.

 1770 – Boston Massacre – The Catalyst that pushes society into a 4th Turning.

 1776 – Declaration of Independence – The alignment takes place.  In this case, the people aligned themselves with each other, and against the ruling power of England.

 1783-1787 – Revolutionary War – The Crisis shows itself.  There is death, sacrifice, and extreme hardship on those who fight for the cause.

 1787-1794 – The Constitutional Convention – The Resolution takes place.  A new founding is then created on self rule, in this case.

 Now, let’s look at today:

 2001 – September 11 terrorist attacks – The Catalyst.  This drove our country to changes in policy.  Our attack was suddenly different, so our defense was changed.  Therefore policy changed to enforce the new defense.  i.e. Patriot Act, Victory Act, etc.

 That’s what we know for sure about the 4th Turning.  If the cycles hold, this may be what we can come to expect.  And we have questions for you to ponder, seriously.

 2008? – 2009? – The alignment. 

  • Has it already occurred with our current election, or has the election created a need for a stronger alignment. 
  • Are you going to be a part of it?  The people, who want freedom over oppression, democrat and republican alike, recently attended tea parties. 
  • The people have begun to align themselves.  Where is your alignment? 
  • Currently we are really only looking at two choices, freedom principles or socialistic principles.

 2012? – 2015? – The Crisis.

  •  What event could come our way to really test our society?  Historically this time period in the crisis can be war, plague (or pandemic), famine, or economic depression.  It may even contain more than one. 
  • Are you ready?  Do you know how to survive a 4th Turning crisis?  This isn’t a doomsday approach.  This is reality if the cycles hold.  Something to think about.

 2028? – 2035? – The Resolution.

  •  What will the resolution to our problems be?
  • Have you studied enough to know what freedom really needs to look like? 
  • Could you set up changes that will take us back down a path of freedom?  It took decades to get us on this path of socialism.  It may take just as long to undo many of those bad policies and thinking that got us here in the first place.  Maybe not. 
  • Can you speak the language of the elite?  Can you enter the great debate on principles and theory, instead of embroiling yourself and others with issues? 
  • Can you articulate your ideas so they are easily understood?

 It is important to understand that the people in the alignment will either be the people in the resolution or will dramatically influence it.  The people who signed the Declaration of Independence were also the people who put together the Constitution.

 You may have raised one of the HERO Generation of our day.  You may be one of the HERO generation.  Your grandchildren might be that generation.  But they are already here.  They are the children born between 1984 and 2001.  They will be the ones that will carry us through to the next phase.  It will require the Prophet generation, the Nomad generation and the Hero generation to pull this off.  The Hero generation must be shown why this battle for freedom really matters.  They must be educated in the principles of liberty. 

 We cannot look back in time and wish for the “old days”, we must look forward to a future of freedom.  Take the steps necessary to tip the scales back toward the side of freedom.  We have lost for many years.  But we can reverse the direction of this country.  If we are to survive the 4th turning and come out with a founding that is of value, we must embrace it.  We must prepare for it.  We must be educated in freedom principles.

 Wouldn’t it be great to just take a pill and have this thing fixed?  Unfortunately, that is not possible.  The fix is in long-term thinking, education, reform, and de-centralization.  These things take time.  This isn’t scary, it’s exciting.  We can change the course of our country.

 Join us in the fight for freedom by dedicating yourself to move the cause of liberty forward.  Organize S.T.A.R. Forum groups in your own area.  The S.T.A.R. Forum is here to teach and assist you.  Email us, and we will send you updates automatically.  More information will continue to come forward.  We seek leaders in every city, who can influence others in liberty.  Freedom lovers everywhere…Unite


9 thoughts on “A Closer Look at the Fourth Turning

  1. Pingback: San Bernardino and The Fourth Turning | The S.T.A.R. Forum

  2. Pingback: A Closer Look at the Fourth Turning | Uintah Basin STAR Forum

  3. Pingback: Joe the Plumber, and A Look At Our Government « The S.T.A.R. Forum

  4. Pingback: The Fourth Turning — In a Nutshell « The S.T.A.R. Forum

  5. Pingback: Are You a Madison, Jefferson, Ghandi or Mother Teresa? « The S.T.A.R. Forum

  6. Pingback: 14 Points to Success During a 4th Turning « The S.T.A.R. Forum’s Blog

  7. Sabastian —

    While a great reseting must take place, what that reseting looks like is totally up to us. We are the ones that decide how the future will look after the reset. It is up to the American people to understand what freedom should look like and either create something new, or go back to what works.

    I believe going back to move forward is the best answer. Our founding fathers have it right. We are working on another post that will explain some things we can do to sustain our families, our businesses, and our communities in the coming weeks, months, and possibly years.

    Freedom can win!


  8. Good post. Humans make up a mechanical system, and all mechanical systems vibrate, or oscillate. We are entering a crisis time as the energy for this cycle is diminished. Look around you, failed families, businesses, governments, lives. No, not everyone is affected, but most.

    The situation has bankrupt itself, and now the great reseting begins.

    Good Luck
    Sabastian Curry


  9. Pingback: A Closer Look at the Fourth Turning

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