San Bernardino and The Fourth Turning

I may have changed my mind on the catalyst of “The Fourth Turning.”  For years I have been teaching this cycle in history.  It has fascinated me more than any other cycle I have studied.  I am a believer in patterns.

Recently Glenn Beck talked about this cycle in history again on his radio show.  I have heard it mentioned in blogs, and I had the opportunity to teach this cycle in a very condensed version at the Limitless Tribe Night that was broadcast.  (My portion begins at 1:32:00) I have been meaning to write this blog post for almost six months.  It’s time to share my thoughts especially since the attacks in Paris are fresh on our minds, and after today’s shootings in San Bernardino.

The book “The Fourth Turning” by Strauss & Howe is an amazing look at this 80-120 year cycle.  You can read more about the specific of this cycle, HERE!

Originally, when the book was written in 1997, it was looking forward to the day the Fourth Turning would begin.  It gave a number of possible scenarios for possibilities of a catalyst from the Third Turning to the Fourth Turning.

“A Fourth Turning does not require economic depression or civil war, but it does require public sacrifice and political upheaval.”

Here is a quick look at times from end of  Unraveling (3rd Turning) to Crisis (4th Turning):

  • Wars of the Roses (1459-1487, Late Medieval Saeculum
  • Armada Crisis (1569-1594), Reformation Saeculum
  • Glorious Revolution (1675-1704), New World Saeculum
  • American Revolution (1773 – 1794), Revolutionary Saeculum
  • Civil War (1860-1865), Civil War Saeculum
  • Great Depression and World War II (1929-1946), Great Power Saeculum
  • Millennial Crisis, (2005?-2029?), Millennial Saeculum

We are in the crisis.  There is no doubt about it, and it will be interesting to see what the next few years bring.  I have taught that the catalyst was likely 9-11-01.  And that still may prove to be the case.  I have waited for 2015 to roll around, because if history is an indicator of the future, the climax of the Fourth Turning will hit this year.  It’s December.  These cycles are never exact, and cannot be predicted with exact dates, but we are starting to see things really begin to heat up around the world.

If we see a big climax occur, it will likely affect most of the population in America and much worldwide.  This is the first time in history that this cycle has played out where so many of the nations great countries are on the cycle at the same time with each other.  That makes this cycle just a bit different.  It isn’t happening any faster, but it is happening more globally. For a closer look just at the Fourth Turning, CLICK HERE!

If we do not see a big climax occur, then 9-11-01 was not the catalyst.  Many people, including one of the authors of The Fourth Turning believe the catalyst was likely the stock market and housing crash of 2008.  This could also be right, and if that is the case, we should all be thankful because it likely means we have a little more time to prepare for the climax.

The climax usually comes about halfway through the Fourth Turning.  Each turning lasts about 20-30 years.  So this would be between NOW and next year if the cycle lasts 30 years and it began in 2001.  Or it could be in about 2023 if the cycle lasts about 30 years and the catalyst was in 2008.  Or it could just be tomorrow.  This is a big wait and see game.  No one really knows where or when the big climax of the turning will hit.  Remember it has been a plague, a famine, a war, or depression historically.

So what do we do with this information?  I really believe there is only one answer.  PREPARE!  And I’m not talking about survival skills, although that will help.  I’m not talking about food storage, although that will be extremely helpful.  I’m not talking about disconnecting from the internet, although we could all do that more often and see better results in our lives.  What I’m talking about is preparing your heart.  Prepare your spirit, prepare your soul.

If we are ever to truly make a difference in this world, it will be by listening to the spirit that is within us, and getting the answers we need for ourselves, our lives, and our families.  It is learning to love our neighbors, even though they are really, really annoying.  It is learning to put up with other people’s garbage, and mistakes, and shortcomings.  It is learning to love and serve when there is nothing that can come from doing it.  You are just doing it.  No reward, no payback, not even acknowledgement.  That is what this life is really about.  Preparing for the future, is preparing your heart to create a world that is better than the one we have now.

What comes after the crisis … a founding.  And that usually creates something through that saeculum.  About 100 years.  What are you going to create?  What kind of founding do you want?  Are you educating yourself and your children in a way to understand how powerful your minds are?  Do you understand what real liberty and freedom looks like?  Do you understand that real freedom comes between the ears?  Can you visualize a future that is bright, and glorious?  Who is leading your thoughts?  Is it you, the media, inspiration, or darkness?  DECIDE now what direction you want for your life.

I am happy to say that in the last 4 months I have stopped focusing on what is wrong with the world and life, and I am focusing on what is good and beautiful.  I see more beauty, I see more good, and I see people as people, instead of annoyances.

You may wonder how I did that.  A few things actually.  I will list them here:

  1. I started the year on a phone call. I did it every single weekday.  We read a few books together, and discussed them.  It was a good group of people.  My mind was expanding again.
  1. I began implementing the idea of connecting to source. (My source is God the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.  Probably a few guardian angels, too.)
  1. I began following the promptings that I knew came from God.
  1. I attended a class in September that sent me on a fast course. (CLICK HERE FOR THIS CLASS.  Also, shoot me an email and I will get you a discount of $69 for two people to attend.)
  1. I began a mentoring program.
  1. I have continued to follow inspiration to guide me to other mentors, and to other books that I should read.

The answers are different for every single person.  But the answers are out there.  This is THE GREATEST TIME TO BE ALIVE!  This is the time when we can change lives for the better.  This is the one chance in our lifetime to set things for the next 100 years.  And I believe that what we do today, will create things for ourselves and our posterity that will hang in the balance of eternity.

This song plays over and over in my head, because the words are so true.  We can create amazing things together.

Find your purpose.  Find your passion.  Fulfill your life.

If you would like personal mentoring, CLICK HERE!

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Want to learn how to Consciously Create in your life?  CLICK HERE to learn more.

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Glenn Beck reviews the Tytler Cycle of Democracy

This is a great clip from the Glenn Beck show on the Tytler Cycle of Democracy.  This also correlates to The Fourth Turning.  Click on the GREEN words to read more about these two cycles, posted earlier on this website.  Enjoy.

The Government and The Cure



By Phillip Leonard


The Declaration of Independence gives witness to our God-given right to Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness.  This is the document by which we as a nation declare we are not subject to the demands of rulers of foreign nations.  It opened the door to self-rule by government of the people.   The necessity of this document became evident through a number of factors.  A few of which are as follows:

 Citizens of various nations left their country of origin because they wished to escape injustice, poverty, subjugation to an elite ruling class and unbearable taxes levied at the whim of any number of individuals in the ruling class.

Once in America immigrants found new opportunities, but the heavy hand of the colony’s founding nation’s ruler was still felt and that feeling was all too often uncomfortable.

 If we renew the old ties of bondage to other nations who haven’t improved their system of governance in the last 400 years then we will have sold our birthright as stated in the Declaration of Independence.  That is the three part birthright of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. We will again become the property of, and subject to, the whims of governments and despots who will see us only as a source of labor and resources.

 If we join with foreign governments and agree to allow them ( i.e. international court in The Hague) to have any jurisdiction over American citizens for what they may do in their own country, or for what its soldiers or other US Government representatives may do while in the service of their government then we have forfeited our benefits under the Declaration of Independence.  Foreign powers will feel no obligation to acknowledge an individual’s rights to life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness.

The fathers of this nation recognized the importance of acknowledging these God-given rights.  Therefore, they devoted themselves to the task of drafting an instrument, which would ensure these rights for all citizens.  Its comprehensiveness, economy of words, and simplicity of form are nothing less than marvelous. 

If we reject the wisdom of our nation’s founding fathers, what do we stand to gain from such a mindless deed?  The present administration is well on its way to “remaking America”.  They are drowning us in debt.  They want to destroy our present healthcare system, which more than 85% of the population participates in and most of which are happy with their coverage.  The desire to destroy the old system of caring for the 85% is so the government can provide care for 7-10% at the expense of the 85%.  

Capitalism is no longer going to be an acceptable economic system.  The government will control manufacturing, labor, healthcare, energy and environment and the financial institutions.  Various media outlets have already surrendered their independence to the present political machinery. 



We have seen the disease infecting our national structure and weakening our ability to remain an independent sovereign nation.  This is the same ailment, which was found so harmful by our founding fathers.  The disease leads to an unsympathetic ruling class and a working class whose symptoms are heartache and hard times.

Our founding fathers were able to bring about a cure because the colonial congress was filled with moral virtuous men and when the average colonist saw they needed to be virtuous to gain and maintain their liberty they did so and it had the desired effect.

Today we do not have a congress filled with virtuous moral men, and our czars are avowed communists, tax dodgers, admitted adulterers, bribe-takers and they employ people and organizations who use intimidation, bribery, fraud and would fit right in with dictatorial regimes anywhere in the world.

We need to send new men to Washington, D.C.  Men who are moral and virtuous.  Without a healthy congress, we cannot succeed at restoring the Republic.  In the meantime, we must express our dissatisfaction with the status quo.  Not only do we need to voice our displeasure with it, but we must increase our numbers by helping to educate those suffering from apathy.

Are You a Madison, Jefferson, Ghandi or Mother Teresa?

Are You or Do You Know a Madison, Jefferson, Ghandi or Mother Teresa?

by Christy Watterson

James Madison could see that the Articles of Confederation were not working.  If something wasn’t done quickly, the new government would fail,  the 13 states would desintigrate,  hard won liberty would be lost, and England would step in and rule America once more.  Madison applied to Jefferson and others for ideas and resources on  government.  Jefferson sent Madison a crate of his own books from France where he was serving as an American ambassador.  He and others also gave Madison reading suggestions.  Madison studied all he could.  He read Montisque, Locke, Blackstone, etc.  He also read Cicero, and other great ancient scholars and leaders.  The Bible was another source of inspiration.  As he read these, he was able to think and understand on deep levels.  He was able to see what worked and didn’t work in the past.  What areas of human nature needed to kept in check.  What it would take to keep liberty alive.   He then gathered people he knew to be key indivituals from across the 13 states who also had the education, influence and backgroutnd to bring to pass a government that would perpetuate liberty.   These men gathered together in the Constitutional Convention and conceived an inspired document that would give people a country where they could live their lives and pursue their dreams in Liberty.

According to Dr. Oliver DeMille, in order for freedom to win in the United States today, we need 700 men and women like Cincinnatus, Madison, Jefferson, Ghandi and Mother Teresa.  Individuals who have the faith, education, understanding of human nature, and the ability to think and analyze on deep levels.  They also need to have the skills necessary to organize, bring key players together, and lead and rally when needed.  They must have the education, ability and personality to make freedom possible on a national level.  Let us all pray that as the time comes when the people cry we need a Cincinnatus, that 700 step forward.  That God has prepared these individuals just as he prepared Washington, Madison and Jefferson etc.  is my hope and prayer.   Is it your mission to be one of these?  A great place to start is George Wythe University.  They are a university dedicated to creating leaders and statesmen of the calibur  of Jefferson and Madison.   Look them up at  Lastly, if you are interested in reading more of Dr. Oliver DeMille has to say on what it will take for freedom to win, you can download his webinar The Coming Aristocray parts one and two.  In these audio downloads, he explains how an aristocracy is again coming to power in the United States in the form of out of control big business and government who are becoming a law unto themselves.  He also tells us what it will take in order for freedom to win.  There are also some great audio downloads on the 4th turning called “A Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste” and freedom available at look for Dr. DeMille’s  recordings on The Freedom Crisis and also The Great Depression of 2012 all about how to succeed in a fourth turning.

 What is YOUR MISSION?     

 Now is the time for you to embark on a journey of finding out what your mission is.  No matter what your mission is, one key comes up over and over again.  You must educate yourself so that you can fulfill your mission.  Almost all the signers of the Declaration of Independence were well educated, some self taught and others through schools that gave quality education.  It is interesting to note, that almost all of the signers were born in the First or Second turning of that time period.  They were the ones who had the education and mission to be the leadership during the Fourth Turning including the Revolutionary War and Constitutional Convention.   Is it your job to provide leadership in this Fourth Turning?  If so, start educating yourself.  Start a branch of the STAR Forum with your friends and family.  Discuss great books and ideas together in your forum.  Exchange ideas on liberty, mini-factories, education, honor and the classics.  Prepare yourself to fulfill your mission.  JOIN US.

What Can You Do to Restore Liberty?

What Can You Do to Restore Liberty?  Is Freedom Part of your Life Mission?

by Christy Watterson

Do you ever look around you, look at what is happening in our country and in the world, and wish there were something you could do?  Do you ever feel hopeless or helpless as you watch liberty and moral values crumble around you?  I believe that God sent the Founding Fathers of our country at that time to fulfill a mission that would bring liberty to this land.   God sent you to earth at this time and place.  He has given you talents and abilities.   He has a plan for you and your life just as He had a plan and work for the founders to do.   It was not chance, but Providence, that brought two men, Henry Knox and Nathanael Greene, together.   The two became friends and had placed in their hearts a burning desire to read all that they could about military arts and strategy.  This was a very unlikely subject for the Quaker raised Nathanael Greene to want to study. It was also very convenient that Henry Knox owned a prosperous bookstore that allowed them access to the kinds of books they would need to study.  The two poured over books on military arts for hours.  These two men played a major part in helping George Washington to win the war.  They were inspired to learn and were ready when needed to fulfill a purpose.

If each us is put here at this time and place to fulfill a mission, what can we do to be ready?  What can we learn from history?   This series of articles will explore what it will take for liberty to win in this Fourth Turning.  It will also hopefully inspire you to find out what your personal mission is and help you to start on the path that you need to take.

 What can we learn from the past?

Cincinnatus was a consul in the ancient Roman Republic.  He was very well educated and wise.  After his term as consul, he retired to his farm.  He was so respected and loved by the Roman people, that they often came to his farm for advice.   During this time, a barbarian army gathered with an aim to take Rome.  They burned and plundered every village in their path on their march to Rome.  The Roman senate and consuls gathered their army and sent it to stop the barbarians.  Some time later, a small, rag-tag group of blood stained survivors returned telling how the Roman army had been trapped on all sides in a mountain pass and defeated by the barbarians.  The Romans now had no army and the barbarians were on their way.  Someone in the senate cried, “we need Cincinnatus!”   An envoy was sent to Cincinnatus’ farm asking him to save Rome.  They promised that if he saved them, he would be king.  Cincinnatus gathered an army mostly made up of inexperienced young men because that was all there was left.  Calling upon his education and leadership skills, Cincinnatus was able to use military strategy and lead  his army to victory.   Upon his victorius return, Cincinnatus was, as promised, given the offer to be king.  Cincinnatus replied, “I give the power back to the senate, it is their job to  make the laws”.  He then returned to his farm. 

 In a time much later in Roman history, Julius Caesar started his power play to take over the Roman Republic.  Cicero and others in the senate called for a Cincinnatus.   No Cincinnatus stepped forward.   There was none to be found.  After Julius Casar was assassinated, his nephew Octavius (later called Augustus)  took up where Julius had left off.  He formed a triumverate, that killed anyone with  power to stand in his way.  Mark Antony, part of Octavius’ triumverate, celebrated with glee when he learned that his arch enemy, the statesman and senator Cicero had been killed by the triumverate’s death squad.  Cicero was well educated and very vocal in trying to save the rupublic.  With his death, and the deaths of others like minded,  the republic failed.

 What does the story of Cincinnatus and of Cicero have to do with you today?  George Washington,  Thomas Jefferson and the other founding fathers were the Cincinnatuses of America.  They fought for liberty from Britan.  Instead of taking power for themselves, they studied government and human nature and then wrote a constitution that gave us a republic and left the power in the hands of the people.  Today, our American Republic and the Constituiton are in jeopardy.    We need to study what liberty looks like.  We need to have the education to be the Ciceroes and Cincinnatuses of our time.  “But,”  you say, “I am no Cicero or Cincinnatus or George Washington.  I am just a regular man or woman.  I am not great like them.”   Perhaps that is what those men thought of themselves.  That is probably what made them great.  The difference, is that they had the education to give them the ability to do what they did.   Again you say, “but I don’t have that kind of education.”   Many of the founding fathers and people of that time were self-educated, look at the example of Henry Knox and Nathanael Greene.  It is not too late.  Start now.  One of the best places to start is The Five Thousand Year Leap by  W. Cleon Skousen

Dr. Oliver DeMille states that in order for freedom to win in the United States, we need 30% of the population which is about 70 million people who have the kind of  education and  thinking and reasoning skills that we have been discussing.  Perhaps your mission is to be one of those 70 million people that ensure freedom wins.  If there are enough Ciceroes, freedom wins!

The Path of the Hero — Are you on it?

by Jacqueline Smith

The Hero in today’s society has changed from the hero of the past.  Heroes used to be statesman, creators and artists who changed the world with their vision, pioneers of industry, space, or the frontier.  Heroes always placed themselves last because they knew their path would be for the greater good of society, and they believed in public virtue.  The heroes of today have become celebrities.  These are self-centered rather than selfless individuals.  Today, our heroes are unclear as we have blurred the lines of the enemy.  It is politically correct to say, everyone is right, it is okay if they don’t believe or think the way I do.  There is no real enemy, therefore, no real hero.  We have lost basic archetypes that are universal.  When we see a film or TV series that brings those archetypes back, we cheer, and everyone relates to it. 

 Every person can and should be a hero.  We feel the tug from the inside, but the world tells us we cannot go on, we don’t have time, or we cannot possibly make a difference.  We can make a difference.  YOU can make a difference.  Are you hearing the call and heeding it, or ignoring it?  Are you ready to step onto the path of the hero?

 Join us today by bringing others in your area together to discuss the wonderful freedoms on which this country was founded.  Contact The S.T.A.R. Forum, and start a group in your area.

 Path of the Hero0001


Because the print is very small here are the steps on the path:

1.  You are doing ordinary things in an ordinary life.

2.  You hear the CALL.  You feel something from inside of you that says you must act.

3.  If you refuse the call, you simply go back to doing ordinary things in your ordinary life (#1).  If you heed the call move to #4

4.  If you heed the call you find yourself a mentor, or you begin to rely on supernatural aid (God).

5.  You cross the threshold into the unknown, the abyss or the desert.  You are completely alone.

6.  You analyze your allies and your enemies.  You define who is truly on your side.

7.  Face questions that force you to see who you really are.

8.  Now you face your fear.  You are tested.  This test often in Hebrew contains the number 40.  Moses was on the mount for 40 days.  Christ fasted for 40 days.  Jonah was at Niniva for 40 days, Noah had 40 days and nights of rain, etc.  You must pass this test.

9.  After your test is passed, you receive special gifts or rewards for passing your test.

10.  Now you take the road back toward society.  This is lonely and hard.  This is your Gethsemane.

11.  You are lead to a rebirth or a resurection of self. 

12.  You head back to society with something necessary for society to heal.

What will your elixer be?  New type of energy, new mathmatics formulas, renewal of constitutional principles, renewal of alternative medicines in your area?  Will you hoist your title of liberty to rally others?  The possibilities are limitless.  Get on the Path of the Hero and find your personal mission.

14 Points to Success During a 4th Turning

14 Points from the Book “Our Home” and a speech by Dr. Oliver Van DeMille

by Jacqueline Smith

Imagine a peaceful life around you, even when the world is in turmoil.  Imagine your family close to you, and doing what they need to do, to keep things going during a difficult time in history.  Imagine working with others in your community so no one goes without.  Imagine building a great life, with more meaning than ever before.

How?  As we have been discussing different cycles of history, we can look to the last time we had a difficult cycle, and learn from it. The book “Our Home” by C. E. Sargent, was written in 1899 and is available on-line as an e-book, or purchased for your regular reading pleasure.  Purchase book  our home  We gain insight into our future, by looking at our past.

Here are 14 things that you and your family can begin to do now.  There are many others, but here is a place to start.   This will require a change from 2nd or 3rd turning thinking, into 4th turning thinking.  And you might as well shift, because we are in a 4th Turning.  Are you ready? (if you need more information on the turnings click here and here )

1. Embrace the new and the now:  We are not in an economic crisis, this is the new economy.  Forget old goals, write new goals, including relationship goals, finances, and happiness.

2. Evenings and Sundays with family:  3rd turning was all about entertaining ourselves 7 days a week.  It is time to simplify and spend time with the people you love around you building things, making plans, and learning.  Besides, you probably can’t afford to do all the things you used to do.

3. Self-culture:  This is opposed to pop-culture.  High school is where you try to fit in, and our society has extended that culture into adulthood.  It is time to be great with who we are on the inside and not try to impress anyone.  Decide who you want to be, who you want to help, and be happy.

4. Individual rules for life:  Create your own set of standards to live by, your own rules that you will keep for life, regardless of what others are doing.

5. Raise adults: During 2nd turnings we raise accountants, lawyers, doctors, engineers. During 3rd turnings we raise children.  These are individuals who never grow up and take on responsibility.  They are the epitome of failure to launch.  4th and 1st turnings are all about growing up and taking life on.  The 4th turning mindset is about having accountability and responsibility for our lives.

6. Meaning:  Everything in a 4th turning will take on meaning.  Your trials, hardships, joys, and challenges will take on meaning, and we need to look for it during a 4th turning.  Read “The Hiding Place” for the meaning in the fleas. The hiding place

7. Widows, orphans, grandparents, children, sick, unhappy:  During 2nd and 3rd turnings these are service projects every once in a while.  During 4th and 1st turnings these become our life. We will truly care for others and seek to fill their needs.  This will not be government forced charity, but actual charity, without pay, without reward, without recognition.

8. Marriage:  The central focus in a 4th and 1st turning is marriage.  Children will be vital and important to the 4th and 1st turnings, but their relationship will be secondary to the relationship with your spouse.  You will find meaning in your spousal relationship on a much higher level.

9. Initiative Education:  During 2nd turnings we give job training. During 3rd turning we teach job skills.  During 4th and 1st turnings we teach initiative.  The work ethic is re-born, and the people that will keep jobs in these turnings will be the ones with strong work-ethic and a initiative to act on their own. This also includes thinking outside the box and doing things against the standard.  This includes: Education alternatives such as charter schools, private schools, and homeschooling.  Medical alternatives such as chiropractors, acupuncture, herbal cures, and vitamins.  Downshifting alternatives such as leaving a high paying job to move out of the city, one parent leaving work to stay home with the kids, simplifying life.  If you need more education here is the best place to get it as an adult.  Monticello College.  No matter where you are in the country, their distance courses can help you.  But be prepared, these are transformational classes, not just informational.

10. Entrepreneurship:  During a 2nd turning people think that means you can’t get anyone to hire you.  During a 3rd turning it means getting rich as fast as possible, retiring, and relaxing.  During a 4th turning, it means you create something useful that employs others, that lives on, so you can create wealth, and fulfill your personal mission. (more on personal missions in another post).  For more information on how to be an entrepreneur go to our article on 3 Things We Need for Freedom to Win.

11. Produce Wealth: During a 2nd turning this means you get a steady job and save money.  During a 3rd turning it means you invest your money and get rich.  During a 4th turning you recognize the needs of others and you recognize the need for society to rebuild itself.  Then you can create a product, service, or organization to fill those needs, while providing for your family, and creating wealth to continually help society.

12. Creativity & Inventiveness:  Be creative in ways to get wealth.  Be creative in your frugality.  A great place to start is this blog on money

13. Resiliency:   Bounce back. Our country has been known for it’s resiliency as a nation. We will need to be a resilient individual. Look for reasons to get back up and start over.  It’s no time for a pity party.  It’s time to act. Pick yourself up, assist in picking up your neighbor.  Don’t allow yourself to wallow.  It will be hard, but it will get better, especially if you make that decision.  This is known as zero point.  A great place to read about that is here:

14. Ambition:  In a 3rd turning if you were ambitious, you were a go-getter that moved up in the corporate world to obtain wealth.  In a 4th turning, ambition will mean the ambition to do the right thing, and make sure good wins.  It will be having the ambition to have public virtue. Public virtue is difficult to understand coming from a 3rd turning perspective, but it is vital to the success of a 4th and 1st turning.  A good example of doing the right thing for the sake of right is the example of many merchants in our founding era.  When the British came to take their supplies, they had a few choices.  They could sell their supplies and get gain, they could abandon their supplies and the British would still take them, or they could burn their entire shop to the ground, so the British would not have access to their supplies.  They chose the latter of the three choices.  That was public virtue.


The Tytler Cycle of Democracy

by Jacqueline Smith

Another great cycle in history is the Tytler Cycle of Democracy.  This cycle may look very familiar to you, and it may have been called a number of different names depending on where and why it was being taught..  We have often heard it taught as the “pride” cycle.   Remember that as you study this cycle, you personally may be in a different place in the cycle than others.  Some of your friends and neighbors may be as well.  However, society as a whole, will follow this pattern.

On the right side of the cycle we are a free people, we discuss things based on principle and we are governed by virtue.  While on the left side of the cycle we are issue driven, and business tends to run us more than anything.  This is a principle described indemocracy-in-america1Tocqueville’s Democracy in America.  In his book he explains:

“There is, indeed, a most dangerous passage in the history of a democratic people.  When the taste for physical gratifications among them has grown more rapidly than their education and their experience of free institutions, the time will come when men are carried away and lose all self-restraint at the sight of the new possessions they are about to obtain.  In their intense and exclusive anxiety to make a fortune they lose sight of the close connection that exists between the private fortune of each and the prosperity of all.  It is not necessary to do violence to such a people in order to strip them of the rights they enjoy; they themselves willingly loosen their hold.  The discharge of political duties appears to them to be a troublesome impediment which diverts them from their occupations and business.  If they are required to elect representatives, to support the government by personal service, to meet on public business, they think they have no time, they cannot waste their precious hours in useless engagements; such idle amusements are unsuited to serious men who are engaged with the more important interest of life.  These people think they are following the principle of self-interest, but the idea they entertain of that principle is a very crude one; and the better to look after what they call their own business, they neglect their chief business, which is to remain their own masters.”  (emphasis added)

Difficult to put into words any better than that.    This book was written by a Frenchman in 1840.  Quite prophetic.  But lets look at this from today’s perspective.  What Tocqueville is saying is that as we have access to so much “stuff” and “entertainment” we will give away our freedoms, because we will not be paying attention to the people we elect or the laws that are passed.  We will just be too busy.  The very thing we want most will simply slip from our grasp, our freedom, and we will no longer be a country of self-rule.

As a free society, this cycle generally takes approximately 200 years to go from beginning to end.  The main reason we have stayed free is because of our republic.  But the more we move toward a democracy the faster we will lose our freedom.  We have lasted longer than two hundred years, but we are seeing the rapid loss of our freedoms.  The good news is, as a free society, we will not allow ourselves to stay in bondage very long and will spend most of our time on the right side of the cycle.

This image is difficult to read but it shows the cycle from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance.  During this part of the cycle public virtue runs things, and we are focused on Values, Principles and Forms.  Then we move from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, and from dependence back to bondage.  During this side of the cycle we are focused on issues.  Businesses run people, (and government).

Can you guess where we are?  Do you know what to do to pass through the bondage side of the cycle quickly?  Leave your comments and give us your thoughts.

Keep studying!  Freedom can win!

A Closer Look at the Fourth Turning

Time for a closer look at the 4th phase – The Winter, or Crisis.

by Jacqueline Smith

 Our previous article (found here) explained a brief overview of a cycle in history known as a saeculum.  This 80 – 120 year period in history is made up of four (4) separate turnings.  Each of these turnings last on average 20 – 25 years.  We are now going to take a quick look at the types of people born in these turnings, and then take a closer look at just the Fourth Turning, since that is the one we are currently in.  We will also look ahead to a new founding.  What kind of founding?  That will be determined by the people of this great country during the next ten (10) or so years. 

Let’s begin with a look at archetypes.  During each phase an archetype of sorts is born.  In general, these types of people will be born, but remember there are always exceptions.


  • 1st Phase, or Founding  – Prophet  (they see what’s coming)
  • 2nd Phase or Awakening – Nomads (they don’t fit in, move a lot, change jobs)
  • 3rd Phase or Unraveling – Heroes (take the hard path, and fight the fight)
  • 4th Phase or Crisis – Artists (see the world as wonderful or horrible and express their views through a variety of mediums.)


Each archetype affects change in the next two phases following, when they are old enough to make a difference.  If you want to know which archetype you and your friends fit into, go to the previous article “The Fourth Turning – In a Nutshell” and find the year you were born.

Here is a breakdown of just one historical 4th turning in American history.

 1770 – Boston Massacre – The Catalyst that pushes society into a 4th Turning.

 1776 – Declaration of Independence – The alignment takes place.  In this case, the people aligned themselves with each other, and against the ruling power of England.

 1783-1787 – Revolutionary War – The Crisis shows itself.  There is death, sacrifice, and extreme hardship on those who fight for the cause.

 1787-1794 – The Constitutional Convention – The Resolution takes place.  A new founding is then created on self rule, in this case.

 Now, let’s look at today:

 2001 – September 11 terrorist attacks – The Catalyst.  This drove our country to changes in policy.  Our attack was suddenly different, so our defense was changed.  Therefore policy changed to enforce the new defense.  i.e. Patriot Act, Victory Act, etc.

 That’s what we know for sure about the 4th Turning.  If the cycles hold, this may be what we can come to expect.  And we have questions for you to ponder, seriously.

 2008? – 2009? – The alignment. 

  • Has it already occurred with our current election, or has the election created a need for a stronger alignment. 
  • Are you going to be a part of it?  The people, who want freedom over oppression, democrat and republican alike, recently attended tea parties. 
  • The people have begun to align themselves.  Where is your alignment? 
  • Currently we are really only looking at two choices, freedom principles or socialistic principles.

 2012? – 2015? – The Crisis.

  •  What event could come our way to really test our society?  Historically this time period in the crisis can be war, plague (or pandemic), famine, or economic depression.  It may even contain more than one. 
  • Are you ready?  Do you know how to survive a 4th Turning crisis?  This isn’t a doomsday approach.  This is reality if the cycles hold.  Something to think about.

 2028? – 2035? – The Resolution.

  •  What will the resolution to our problems be?
  • Have you studied enough to know what freedom really needs to look like? 
  • Could you set up changes that will take us back down a path of freedom?  It took decades to get us on this path of socialism.  It may take just as long to undo many of those bad policies and thinking that got us here in the first place.  Maybe not. 
  • Can you speak the language of the elite?  Can you enter the great debate on principles and theory, instead of embroiling yourself and others with issues? 
  • Can you articulate your ideas so they are easily understood?

 It is important to understand that the people in the alignment will either be the people in the resolution or will dramatically influence it.  The people who signed the Declaration of Independence were also the people who put together the Constitution.

 You may have raised one of the HERO Generation of our day.  You may be one of the HERO generation.  Your grandchildren might be that generation.  But they are already here.  They are the children born between 1984 and 2001.  They will be the ones that will carry us through to the next phase.  It will require the Prophet generation, the Nomad generation and the Hero generation to pull this off.  The Hero generation must be shown why this battle for freedom really matters.  They must be educated in the principles of liberty. 

 We cannot look back in time and wish for the “old days”, we must look forward to a future of freedom.  Take the steps necessary to tip the scales back toward the side of freedom.  We have lost for many years.  But we can reverse the direction of this country.  If we are to survive the 4th turning and come out with a founding that is of value, we must embrace it.  We must prepare for it.  We must be educated in freedom principles.

 Wouldn’t it be great to just take a pill and have this thing fixed?  Unfortunately, that is not possible.  The fix is in long-term thinking, education, reform, and de-centralization.  These things take time.  This isn’t scary, it’s exciting.  We can change the course of our country.

 Join us in the fight for freedom by dedicating yourself to move the cause of liberty forward.  Organize S.T.A.R. Forum groups in your own area.  The S.T.A.R. Forum is here to teach and assist you.  Email us, and we will send you updates automatically.  More information will continue to come forward.  We seek leaders in every city, who can influence others in liberty.  Freedom lovers everywhere…Unite


The Fourth Turning — In a Nutshell


Based on the book “The Fourth Turning” by Strauss & Howe

And speeches by Dr. Oliver DeMille

by Jacqueline Smith


Every 80 to 120 years (a saeculum) society goes through 4 phases.  Just like the weather. 

1)     We have a Spring, or founding period. 

2)     We have a Summer, or awakening period. 

3)     We have a Fall, or unraveling period.

There is always a catalyst to push you from a 3rd turning to a 4th.

4)     We have a Winter, or crisis period.

Now, you don’t have to take my word for it.  Just go back through history, say 300 generations, or the last 3,000 years and see for yourself.  It has not missed.  However, for the first time in history most of the world is on the same part of the cycle at the same time.

To give you a quick look at the cycle through the eyes of American history, let’s go through this saeculum four (4) times.


The Age of Kings.  The European Empire was expanding.



The Great Awakening.  Spritual rivival occurred and man began to disbelieve in the divine right of Kings.



French and Indian War, and English and French War, continued breakdown of society.



Boston Tea Party / Boston Masacre



U.S. Revolutionary War, Constitutional Convention






New Government formed based on self-rule.  Federalism



Transendental Awakening.  New churches formed, faith questioned.  Joseph Smith restores LDS church.



Dred Scott case occurs.  North & South friction continues



Election of Abraham Lincoln



Civil War.  One of the shortest cycles






Nationalism begins (not a great founding) Reconstruction



Progressivism begins.  Dewey & Marx read



WWI – The roaring 20’s, morality slides



Stock Market Crash in Oct 1929



Depression, bread lines.  WWII brings us out.






Global reconstruction (again, not a great founding)  GATT, NATO, U.N. Bretton Woods Meetings, IMF



From Hippies to Yuppies  We go from Leave it to Beaver, all the way to Friends on TV.



Post modernist thinking emerges.  Allegiance is to ME.  Curcumstantial Morality & Situational Ethics.






Economic Crisis —- and then????


You will notice that most of the time in history these turnings last about 20 to 25 years.  So now you can see it, but what do you do?  It is easy to see that we are in it, the Winter of our Discontent, so to speak.  Do you know what to do in a Fourth Turning?  Do you know how to change your thinking and your life to be a positive catalyst for the change you want to see?  For 14 Points to Survive in a Fourth Turning click here.


 The 4th Turning has many aspects to it as well, but we’ll save that for a future post.  Suffice it to say, the 4th turning is when the greatest changes can happen.  But you must be educated in what freedom looks like.  You must have the tools (books) and know how to use them to create freedom around you. 


It will take courage.  It will take determination.  It will probably take a miracle or two.  Nevertheless, as in times past, Providence has been on the side of freedom.


For the next post on this subject click here and take a closer look at just the Winter or Crisis in this turning.  Ask questions and comment on this post.  We are all in this together.  FREEDOM CAN WIN!