Exploring the Sub-Conscious Mind — FREE CLASS

Exploring the Sub-Conscious Mind — FREE CLASS


Join us, Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.

I have been having such an intense change in myself this year, that I want to share with you some of the things I am learning.  This is an invitation to a free class that will enlighten your mind, and give you control over your sub-conscious reaction.

We will be discussing the keys to tapping into our subconscious, finding the books that will be the most productive to change our mindset.  We will be looking in to The Karpman Drama Triangle, how to recognize it, how to avoid stepping into it, and how to shift to a more powerful place in your life, with freedom instead of drama.

Come to a comfortable discussion.  I will share with you my experience of my dwindling after my run for Congress, and my story of re-birth into a life I am so grateful to have.

Jenn McMcurdoJen McMurdo will be discussing the heart.  How to step into unconditional love, and make the most of your relationships.  She is my partner in Mentoring For Me, and she has a great calming presence.

We also are pleased to announce that Stephen Miller will be joining us andStephen Miller discussing a powerful concept of NOW that has helped so many people get beyond their past, and have a brighter, happier future.

REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED!  Seating is limited.  Please on HERE for your ticket.

Bring your spouse.  Let’s change the world one person at a time.



Brian Aitken comes to Park City, Utah this Friday, March 25

Gun rights are fundamental to our country’s liberty.  We have the right to protect our property, and ourselves and the second amendment was put in place to keep governments from becoming too oppressive.  Now our Congress is being made irrelevant with the continuing regulations put forward by the likes of Cass Sunstein to regulate our guns.  Brian Aitken experienced first hand, how a government can use laws to put law-abiding citizens behind bars, and more.  I think you should meet him.

Brian Aitken is coming to Park City, Utah on March 25.  He will be at the Prospector at 6:00 p.m. for an event sponsored by members of The STAR Forum.  This event is free and open to the public.  Brian is bringing copies of The Law by Bastiat, and other free goodies from his new employer, The Foundation for Economic Education.

RSVP on Facebook here:    http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/event.php?eid=199811843378383

Or on our meetup site here: http://www.meetup.com/TheSTARForum/events/16569951     

Brian Aitken has a unique story from which we all can learn.  After being arrested, he set himself on a path to discover liberty. He found himself at the Foundation for Economic Education started by Hazlitt, a student of Von Mises.  His parental rights were stripped from him.  He was later jailed by a judge who didn’t give all of the information to the jury, and then released by Governor Chris Christie.  Now he fights to have his name cleared.  Brian has been seen on Judge Napolitano’s Freedom Watch, Fox & Friends, and many other news stations.  See our post earlier here.   

The events of Brian’s life can benefit all of us if we choose to learn from him.  This could have been you.  Come and learn with us.  Most of the problems we are now facing are economic, including our illegal immigration problem.  It is time to have a strong grasp of the economic system we are currently in, understand the lies behind that system, and learn how an Austrian economic way of thinking helps our country prosper. 

Through education, freedom can win!