Reading List

This list is not a complete list, but is intended as a starter list for the beginner in American politics and the principles of liberty.  For a more extensive list, please click here.

 The 5,000 Year Leap by Cleon Skousen

The 28 Principles of Liberty

The Real George Washington

The Real George Washington

 The Real Thomas Jefferson

The Real Thomas Jefferson

The Real Benjamin Franklin

The Real Benjamin Franklin

The Declaration of Independence

declaration of independence

The Constitution of the United States of America

The Constitution of the United States of America

Anthem by Ayn Rand


A Thomas Jefferson Education for the 21st Century


The Fourth Turning by Strauss & Howe


Understanding the Times by David Nobel


 Our Home by C.E. Sargent

This book is also available as a free e-book online here


The Making of America


 Glenn Beck’s Common Sense

common senseHave you read these books?  Please leave your thoughts.

5 thoughts on “Reading List

  1. I am in the process of setting up a star forum in Herriman. I feel strongly that rebuilding America and restoring the faith of the American people have to do with going back to a Constitutional Government. When we understand what that really means…and study the premise of which this great nation was built upon. Than we as average citizens can assist in furthering the cause for freedom. I read “The 5000 year leap” as well as “Common Sense” I am in the process of reading 2 other’s on the list. As for the two that I have read, They really put into perspective the great importance of our founding and awakens your mind to just how much is at stake. When we make those connections with our day in age, in a time where our future rests heavily on those decisions that are being made…NOW in Washington, Becoming self educated is imperitive in arming ourselves with truth so we can fight the good fight for the sake of honor and freedom. These books have shed light and truth and arroused my convictions. My purpose as an American and mother of three has been further defined. I feel more than ever that I can no longer sit on the fence of history and watch tyrants write it’s course towards socialism. We the People must now take the pen and ink and write on it’s pages the story of how ordinary people upheld those constitutional principles and changed American’s course back towards the rule of law that ultimately results in freedom for all. Reading these books are a must!


  2. Pingback: The Boston Freedom Trail « Utah GOP Blog

  3. Pingback: The Boston Freedom Trail « The S.T.A.R. Forum

  4. Can I have a free copy of the Constitution and Declaration sent to me? They ran out at the parade.

    Mike Lee
    PO Box 701
    Oakley Utah 84055



  5. Pingback: Oakley, UT 4th of July Parade « The S.T.A.R. Forum

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